
I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion here. But, I think it must be said. First off, the party nominated a woman in 2016. Albeit, a terrible candidate, but, nonetheless, she was the nominee. Fast-forward to 2020, Elizabeth Warren comes in 3rd place so we must scream sexism. Honestly, I don’t think she was

Yeah, I also don’t understand why they see Biden as the safest means to defeat Trump. Trump won support by demolishing his opponents in debates. Joe, unfortunately, is not all there and a terrible public speaker. His supporting cast is not going to be able to be on stage with him during the debates. I honestly fear

Honestly, at this point, Nikki Haley is probably the odds on favorite for first female president.

Surprised you left out Mayor Pete and Stacey Abrams.

Once Warren drops out, I am curious to see who she endorses.  A Biden endorsement might help the party as a whole.  However, I feel her politics are more aligned with Bernie.  

Mike would’ve made a great bachelor and Tayshia should’ve been the next bachelorette. It’s also painfully obvious certain girls are kept around longer because of the color of their skin.  

That’s what’s going to happen. Bernie Bros stay home, and Biden will have to deal with a constant onslaught of “Where’s Hunter?”. The more Hunter and Ukraine is brought up and in the media the worse Joe’s numbers get.  This isn’t looking good...

You can’t just magically predicts the highs and lows. You just have to know that in the long term, the market always rises. So, technically there’s never a bad time to enter the market for a long term investment. Yes, if you entered the market last week, you are probably crying right now. But, you shouldn’t be scared

SoFi Invest is super easy! I liquidated all my stocks this week as they continue to tumble and either hold as cash or put into crypto. I think sometime next week will be a good entry point.

Lets not forget that a guy who got caught on tape bragging about sexually assaulting women got elected president by winning a majority of white women over the first female presidential nominee...

You can tell she’s a nasty woman by just looking at her.  At lease Elizabeth Warren has the appearance of a kind grandma.

News articles will include the relevant bits and that little fuck doesn’t deserve your money.

Do you seriously think Lev Parnas has any credibility here?

this is horrifying 

Who is going to buy this book?  Mostly Trump hating democrats.  Do democrats generally hate Bolton? Yes.  Conclusion, guy democrats hate makes millions off of democrats because he has information to confirm what they want to hear. This is a scam, folks.  

The thing is that the democrats did not need to rush this in the house. They could’ve taken more time. They could’ve allowed the republicans to call witnesses in the house. Unfortunately,the senate is well aware of how things were handled in the house and are going to do the same damn thing to the democrats.

The point is, that when comparing women to men on a sport-by-sport basis, the best adult women are equivalent to the best 15-18 year old boys in the same sport. I’m sure there are some exceptions, but when you look at the most popular, physical sports, soccer, basketball, and hockey.  My statement holds true.

It happened. To be fair, it was just a scrimmage.  But you would only scrimmage a team of similar skill, right?
