
Then you just destroyed all of women’s sports... For example, adult league hockey is broken into A, B, C, D and E leagues with A being the highest skilled players. What you are suggesting is to do that with all amateur sports, which is basically what we have at the collegiate level, i.e. div 1, 2 and 3). However, they

I’m sorry but in regards to sports, individuals should be participating the in the division their body biologically aligns with, not how they identify.  There are physical advantages trans women have that give them an unfair advantage vs women.

Just like Antonio Brown said:

What’s scary now is that VA is trending RED with the latest polling.  Biden is the only Dem leading Trump in a head-to-head.

AGT does a great job of showcasing and giving a platform to people with talent that we unfortunately, would probably never hear of otherwise.  For example, Kodi Lee.

Baby Yoda is a boy...Although the character has not yet revealed their preferred pronouns.

Dave Chappelle was funny, is still funny and will always be funny. The end.

Sure, but what you are failing to see is the trend of support for Trump in the states that matter most in the upcoming election. We know the coasts will always support impeachment.

We currently do not have a democratic candidate that can drive up turnout and enthusiasm like Obama.  We simply don’t.  Meanwhile, the house is fueling the base of the other side.  I smell disaster in our near future...

Guys, have you checked 538 lately? Ummm, Trump is leading every democrat in 3 key battleground states....not good. Seems like this whole impeachment process just made 2020 a lot more difficult for us.  It’s probably best for us if the Senate just sweeps this under the rug rather than dragging it out with a trial.

That’s the problem, we need someone closer to what you described to have a chance rather than what is currently on the table.  People would be excited about the green-trans alien.  There’s nothing exciting about old rich white people.

I don’t know why you think they have “no business” in trying to run for president. We can simply not vote for them, but to say someone doesn’t have the right or has no business in trying is simply wrong.

Do you really want to set a precedent in which a republican majority in the house could impeach a democrat president based on hearsay and hurt feelings?  Just censure him.  Anything beyond that is dangerous.

I’m genuinely worried we don’t have a candidate that the casual voter can get excited about. Look at any of our candidates rallies. They’re usually half full at a Holiday Inn conference room.  Meanwhile, Trump is selling out stadiums around the country.  I’m scared guys...we better find someone fast.

the general public, the people who buy movie tickets responded by saying, “You’re not the right person for this role.”

A small percentage of people think it’s inappropriate.  Cancel culture is the worst.  Also, these “rules” only seem to apply one way.  Is anyone going to bitch when an LGBTQ+ person plays a straight person? No.  We’re literally talking about acting.  A job where you portray things you are not on a daily basis...

I don’t think Stefanik has a “newfound love for Trump”, I think she’s just smart enough to see what’s really going on here.  The testimony given showed zero facts of any high crimes and misdemeanors.  If you think they did then you are wrong.  Women shouldn’t be persecuted for simply being a republican.  I also think