
Then chances are, I'll stay two levels below max or stop playing. I don't really raid on a frequent basis and have zero desire to be forced into it to stay competitive. I felt like it was more than fair for me to be "trapped" one level below max because of my playstyle, but if it means I'm now no longer a viable fire

Honestly you should just be able to upgrade gear using Motes of Light, since they're the one currency you get by naturally just by playing the game.

This statement just proves how backwards this game is.

You shouldn't have to go to an external website to find people to play online with. I have no idea why built-in customizable matchmaking is somehow inferior to going to an LFG site (which is simply a matchmaking tool).

Maybe I'll give it a shot in several years, once they've ironed out all these stupid fucking decisions and made an actual game out of all this basic system framework.

I spent a lot of time with this game before The Dark Below and I enjoyed every minute of it... until there was nothing left for me to do because I didn't have people to play the raid with. It's my own fault for thinking Bungie would change their minds on raid matchmaking, but until they do there's no reason for me to

They're listening.

It's 75% off this weekend online.

This is the model I prefer.

if you grind for THIS gun, you can use it to grind for OTHER guns to grind for OTHER guns and then once you have all the guns you can...grind for even MORE guns, and then you've beaten the game and you can keep grinding for MORE guns.

Or the fact that Husk of the Pit is frustrating to get since for some people (like myself) it only drops after trying to farm it for five hours.

what? you mean destiny's drop system is shitty? who would've thunk.

Yes, it's Japans fault that a bunch of crazy, homicidal muslims kidnapped two of their citizens and are holding them for ransom, just like it was the fault of the people at Charlie Hebdo that they were murdered. Get bent.

This. Those men will be killed anyway. Responding to an inevitable tragedy with a giant 'Fuck You' is admirable.

Games that focus primarily on the gear, and have the gear obtained through random drops are just playing into what is basically a gambling addiction.

and this is why i dont like grinds in any kind of game. theyre silly and cheap and dont bring anything of value to the game unless you want to test your patience at doing something easy / uninteresting for longs periods of time

Dedicated servers brah.

I'm waiting for Destiny to transform into a good game that isn't about pointless grinding.