This is why taking matchmaking out is such a bad idea, it’s toxic. They gain no new fans, but risk losing some.
This is why taking matchmaking out is such a bad idea, it’s toxic. They gain no new fans, but risk losing some.
No thanks. I dropped Destiny after the second expansion of the first game because it became quite clear dropping the matchmaking for raids was bullshit. I never looked back. I have logged 1600 hours between The Division 1 and 2 since, and if they do this, it’s over.
This justification is elitist with little to back it up. When I completed Stolen Signal on hardest difficulty in the Division 1, an incursion that is as much a pain in the ass as anything I played on Destiny, I went through a lot of matchmaking until we formed a team good enough to finish it. Without matchmaking, it…
But not having matchmaking made the experience an unnecessary shore. It sucked.
Do they know Destiny is garbage because of this?
A lot of people would be surprised to learn that the Crown´s draconian immigration laws had a lot to do with it. They needed immigrants to populate the West.
Game of Thrones should have ended with the defeat of the ice zombies.
Aeris looks creepy.
Why look at Destiny? The Division 1 has a system to reroll your guns and gear.
Which reminds me of, the Riot Games staff has a wonderful series about videogame graphics on YouTube, and I think you should watch it.
That has ruined the movie for me. Now, I’ll only accept watching the R-Rated version.
My bad. My assumption was because no one born after 1990 knows that movie exists, and rarely anyone remembers it.
They could have used a better 90s artist than Coolio.
The CGI in Alita is top-notch, I can even say, the best I’ve seen in a movie. If they did that keeping that level of quality, there’s no excuse for Sonic.
When Pac-Man, playing a villain in a crappy Adam Sandler movie, looked so much better, I can’t agree with you there.
That ship has sailed. The evil has been conceived. Let it go, fans.
What’s going to happen is they won’t have an incentive to make more innovations, nor reduce prices, since all their money is going to acquisition of property. Investment in programming will always exists, since producers will still put money on properties they can make money of with licensing, YouTube was set as an…
I think you need to watch the whole thing, your very argument is dealt with and neutralized.