
The truth is, the most fun time to play now is when a global event comes out. The grind in those 3 weeks between the global events is only tedious if you have almost all decent gear and it’s just a very particular piece you need. If you still need a lot of gear, then the drops are fine and plenty.

No. Just no. Apple hasn’t released a decent Mac since 2014, when they decided beautiful machines with careful planned obsolescence was much better business. Even the most expensive ones come with comparable weak specs, and are unupgradable and unrepairable. If you want to play indies, MOBAs, MMOs, and casual stuff,

They should try Itch.io, I love the platform for indie, homebrewed games and visual novels.

Destiny. Kotaku, please stop your obsession with it, it’s a polarizing game, not for everyone.

Who are we kidding? We know it’s not going to work. Kudos for trying.

You haven’t been in Facebook long lately, have you?

I can’t stop clicking to articles about complaining about Destiny 2, even though I don’t play Destiny 2.

Now I’m going to sit back for several weeks and listen to what Battlefield 5 is going to bring.

This looks completely crapstastic.

It’s hard to believe there’s nobody out there.

The Division’s global events forces you to change your playstyle, that keeps the grinding less repetitive. Mix the legendary missions, better loot drops, gear upgrades, and you have a solid endgame that was just lacking less than a year ago.

From the headline, I thought you could play the games without the aid of a computer. So many Steam games are playable on the phone already, 80 Days, Papers Please, Limbo...

Surprised it wasn’t EA. Seems that everything attached to Trump is comic-book villain quality.

I always said Destiny is a full-price game full of F2P mobile game mechanics, that’s why so many people are hooked to it like crack, despite not being very good.

Griffey and Ichiro are the best two legit baseball players of the last 20+ years, and both played in Seattle. It’s amazing that Ichiro is still around playing top-tier baseball.

Strange can’t reverse time with the Time Stone alone, he would need the Space Stone and the Reality Stone combined to do that. I believe by itself, the Time Stone is not powerful enough to undo things.

For people who are going to watch this movie again, notice this time around that Thor kills Thanos. Thor left Thanos with two choices, undo his mortal wound, or complete his quest, he chose the later. 

While we know the characters deaths are bluffs, you can’t deny the emotional impact of watching these superheroes being defeated in the end. That’s kind of refreshing, even when we know the defeat is going to be undone soon. Maybe if they didn’t kill characters that were such an obvious bluff, Black Panther and

So many developers out there facepalming when they learn all they had to do for balance was nerf the color of the gun.

Kotaku is to Destiny what Fox News is to Trump. That would make Jason the Hannity of Kotaku.