For those of you who skipped The Division, here’s how incursions (the equivalent of Destiny’s raids) work:
For those of you who skipped The Division, here’s how incursions (the equivalent of Destiny’s raids) work:
That matchmaking controversy, and the way they handled it, was a middle finger flipped to many gamers. Most gamers who play this game don’t want the choice, I say good luck to them and Bungie, I have The Division.
Dear Lord, the legendary story missions in The Division are amazeballs. It’s sad to watch people here complain about Destiny 2, while missing this.
I played The Division until the release of their disappointing first incursion, then I came back earlier this year. Wow, the game improved from a 6/10 to a 9/10 (Falcon Lost is still insufferable). Now, I’m concerned that after furiously improving the game for two years, they’re going to release The Division 2 and…
The most famous Jewish rapper from Toronto, who used to be in a Canadian teen show in a wheelchair. Don’t need to Google now.
While The Division 2 was announced, The Division 1 is running global events every weekend this month. I got to get that last piece of Striker classified gear.
Do the Right Thing was not the only 1989 movie that got canned, I thought Say Anything was a lock for Best Picture when I saw it that year.
You’re correct, the theatrical cut was both a critical and commercial failure. Another movie on this list that only redeemed itself after an alternative to its theatrical cut was released is Once Upon a Time in America.
The mix of comedy and horror is going to kill it for these snobby awards, regardless its social commentary and execution is flawless. Get Out is lightning in a bottle. Movies like it don’t come out often.
So many stories that could have been an influence. Phantom of the Opera, Beauty and the Beast, King Kong.
The Breadwinner is in such a different league than say, Boss Baby, you can only facepalm at this category.
Shape of Water was good, but it’s not even one of the top three Guillermo del Toro movies, probably not even the top five.
Best Actor: James McAvoy for Split. Oh, wait, he wasn’t even nominated. These awards are a joke.
Destiny has been a technical achievement, limited by one boneheaded decision after another since the franchise’s inception. I’m surprised no one at Bungie has been fired over it.
The Division. Believe the rumors, the game is now good. The long and difficult comeback of this game, and Rainbow Six Siege, should be covered more on this site.
Call of Duty: Ghosts.
1- Night in the Woods
I think he meant the role he gave to the Gilmore Girl.
Linux is still the Wild West, people working with Linux should get their shit together and standardize some APIs.
Mac, Linux and iOS.