
I dream the impossible dream: A coherent Death Stranding trailer.

I’m not a cook either but if the food tastes like shit, the cook doesn’t know better than me.

They treat their customers like idiots who can’t make their own choices. I hope Borderlands 3 is on its way, to leave this franchise in the dust.

Raid Matchmaking is none of your business if you don’t want to use it. People deserve a choice, they pay for the game, not the other way around.

Funny, I thought I was going to play a lot of endgame content in The Division because it had matchmaking, unlike Destiny. Turns out is almost as hard to join a team.

The “we know better than you” attitude of the developer is my reassurance I did the right thing when I dropped this game early on.

That’s your problem, and how wonderful that you will be able to choose how you play. No one should force you to do something you don’t want to do to play.

Not adding matchmaking is such a dealbreaker for me, I wasn’t going to give this game the benefit of the doubt. My straight “no” is now a “maybe”.

They finally lifted the idiotic matchmaking ban, but that “guided game” looks like they still want to treat people who use matchmaking as stupid.

I guess the list is short for WWI games. Battlefield 1 and Valiant Hearts.

That was probably the plan before they realized it didn’t work with the Wii U.

To put it simply, ship the Switch as fast as you can before the fad wears thin.

War Horse was a WWI movie (play, whatever). More Battlefield shade.

Considering it still runs like crap even with a high-end setup, the eruption is going to be a beautiful slideshow.

Blizzard is Activision’s saving grace.

Could they give it a break from shitting these games every 11 months? That’s what killed their Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero cash cows.

DLC already on sale, so apparently was made along with the game and stripped away from it.

Seems that Destiny is the exception of the rule? That’s still no reason to strip the feature, as people can figure out for themselves how to approach a game.

If they are going to stick with the matchmaking ban, it’s a non-starter for me. Let’s see if an old dog can learn new tricks.

They should have retired of the hardware business when Sega did.