This is how I’ve been playing Zelda for 20 years.
This is how I’ve been playing Zelda for 20 years.
It works great, except if your computer is running Linux. I have a laptop with Ubuntu and have been unable to set up a connection, even after following extremely difficult instructions online.
You know that dying by fucking around on a mountain is a Skyrim trademark?
Horizon: Zero Dawn. Not enough coverage of this game on Kotaku since it turned into
The numbers indicate the Switch is a mild success, not the runaway hit being hyped all over the place. Selling much better than the Wii U is not saying a lot. In the end, It seems it will sell just slightly better than the Xbone.
The probable reason is Nintendo doesn’t want you to buy the Wii U.
Any Master Race player would have crucified this game, the standards out of the Nintendo bubble are much higher.
The three people who bought a Wii U just saved $300.
You don’t need a Nintendo Switch. Celeste is the most popular game for the Pico-8, which I believe Kotaku has never covered.
Obviously a big influence is Metal Gear Solid’s artist Ashley Wood.
That looks almost exactly like the library of games available on the Apple Macintosh, except the Mac has more games.
Oasis’ last song. That’s coming out with a bang.
Dear Lord. Yum.
Perhaps you shouldn’t get your news from memes.
That word sounds... Asian.
The Obama excuse is cheap, and meant for rally the sheep. When it comes to the Iranian ban on Jews, well, Iran is a totalitarian regime, and last time I heard, the United States wasn’t supposed to be one.
I’m surprised there are no spelling mistakes on those t-shirts.