Any Master Race player would have crucified this game, the standards out of the Nintendo bubble are much higher.
Any Master Race player would have crucified this game, the standards out of the Nintendo bubble are much higher.
The three people who bought a Wii U just saved $300.
You don’t need a Nintendo Switch. Celeste is the most popular game for the Pico-8, which I believe Kotaku has never covered.
Obviously a big influence is Metal Gear Solid’s artist Ashley Wood.
That looks almost exactly like the library of games available on the Apple Macintosh, except the Mac has more games.
Oasis’ last song. That’s coming out with a bang.
Dear Lord. Yum.
Perhaps you shouldn’t get your news from memes.
That word sounds... Asian.
The Obama excuse is cheap, and meant for rally the sheep. When it comes to the Iranian ban on Jews, well, Iran is a totalitarian regime, and last time I heard, the United States wasn’t supposed to be one.
I’m surprised there are no spelling mistakes on those t-shirts.
Conclusion: A reality show star who has never held public office is making laws as he goes.
Let’s put it another way, my father was born in the US, migrated where I was born 50 years ago, never naturalized. Can he be a dual citizen? Sure, but he’s fine just being American.
Remember when America was a beacon of justice and liberty? It was only two weeks ago.
Seems to me the real intention of this hastily, poorly implemented rule was to acquire more power through chaos and creating conflict. A war can do that as well, and it seems completely feasible that the US will be involved in another war before the year is over.
This probably won’t happen. Part of what prompted the Wii to sell so much was the motion controls which brought in the casual gamers and people who jump on the latest exercise bandwagon. Nothing about the Switch so far seems like it would grab either of those demographics.
The Switch will probably be Nintendo’s Dreamcast. That’s my most optimistic expectation.
It solves one of the biggest issues I have with Gimp: It’s ugly interface.