California leaving would turn the US into a Third World country. Probably a good thing.
California leaving would turn the US into a Third World country. Probably a good thing.
This has become my weekly reminder to play Witcher 3 expansions.
I hear he’s a fan of M.A.N.G.A. (Make America Nazi Germany Again)
How stressful could making shit up be?
The Wii sold like hotcakes, but it sent Nintendo backwards, not forward. Sony will lose its market to PC as Nintendo lost it to mobile.
Yet we ended up in this mess. I think Canadians see us like I see a friend with Cancer. I wish him the best, but I sure don’t want to be in his shoes.
Those developers have invested money in the Switch. They will get a return for their money if it sells well, so they need to push the platform.
The market Nintendo found with the Wii has long gone to mobile. Nintendo has been after them like a stalky ex-boyfriend, but that ship has sailed. If they want to get them back in mobile, they’ll have to do better than the inept Super Mario Run.
Sony blew it with the PS4. Charging for online play and lack of backwards compatibility drove me into looking at the PC as an option. I have been building a nice library on PC, and as soon as I have the cash to build my own gaming powerstation, the PS4 is going to join my older consoles in the cabinet. I think it’s…
Are we going to have a picture of the Witcher 3 every weekend now?
Even shorter version
Since they will only be selling, like 20 consoles per store, most people won’t find out that answer for a long time.
Ranking the killstreaks in this video.
Thanks to this video I’ve learned they’ve been pulling this trick since the 80s. Terrible.
There’s absolutely zero indications that this isn’t going to be an exception to Nintendo’s formula. It checks all the boxes.
I’d still be playing it if it wasn’t for their shitty policy about matchmaking. Dropped it after their third DLC and haven’t looked back.
Buy it at three times the markup price from a scalper on eBay.
Nintendo is addicted to intentionally keeping stocks low and create faux high demand. How many times have they shot themselves on the foot with this?