
It totally looks like something made by Microsoft circa 1998.

That’s little than a move to appease investors because they have little else to show the rest of the year.

I hope that Nintendo finally realized that they are sitting on a pile of money in mobile.

The show is a Stephen King/Spielberg mashup, as much as Mr Robot is a Fight Club/American Psycho tribute.

The PS2 Slim is still to me the most beautiful console ever made. Ever.

The most infuriating thing is getting insta-kicked from stuff that you normally breeze through in your current level.

Pokemon Go. I’m probably the only kid in town who doesn’t have a Snorlax.

Gotta catch ‘em all.

Because Bungie/Activision isn't behind it.

Actually, Atari came up with that idea a while ago. Their shitty mini consoles with about the same amount of games are a staple at places like TJ-Maxx.

You can just get a Raspberry Pi and perhaps house it in this console’s case.

To me, any NES without this, is not worth having.

Or you can get a Raspberry Pi, and one of those retro controllers, like people have been doing for years, and get to play PunchOut with Mike Tyson.

Kotaku, the blog where Destiny fanbois complain about The Division.

I think you should go to the lesser, older missions, like the rest of the peasants who did not keep up with ranking up, and earn your stripes.

I concur with your opinion, only that I switch the words Division and Destiny in the hole paragraph,

It has trading, and matchmaking for all activities, regardless it’s ridiculously difficult to do the hardest endgame stuff with unknowns. Destiny dropped the ball on those two things and alienated 2/3 of the people who would have played it.

Welcome to Windows Phone.

Yet the most overused character is Reaper. I have run into several teams of only Reapers in more than a few occasion.

That double kill by Grey Worm was quite impressive. I’m voting for him.