
Not the Wii U copy, man!

Yeah, I play like maybe Twice a week, if I see a friend online playing it.

Superhot and X-Com 2 have been on the top of my wishlist for months, but the sale is not bending their resilience so much.

Another rule: Your PC can't probably handle that $60 game that is going for $7.99.

So essentially another reskinned Dynasty Warriors.

It may not turn out that bad in the end. Mac and Wii U people will buy it because slim pickings.

It looks like a mediocre PS2 game circa 2004.

“Hey, remember that PS3 game you liked but can’t play on the PS4 because it doesn’t have backwards compatibility? Well, you can play it now, with slightly better graphics, for just $60! (Skyrim) Or preorder our shitty new game if you want to get it! (CoD4MW)“

No. Half of the game doesn’t have matchmaking, and you can’t play it without a group that the game won’t help you find. Kotaku staff will always try to convince you, so research other sites.

I thought it’s been hijacked for over a year, and Sega doesn't give a shit anymore,

Does the Sonic Twitter constantly kick ass? I know he was on fire for a few days, but didn't follow through.

Konami would have turned this trailer into a pachinko game rather quickly.

The only way to top this card is paint Roach glitched into a rock.

All that it needed was some kind of hills that don't make any noise. And Guillermo del Toro.

Open world and swords go dull over time. It's like The Witcher 3, without boobs.

The PS4 has so many “remasters” that they’re even going to remaster the PS4 itself. That’s how shitty it has gotten these days.

I’m a “4.5 remaster” away from selling the PS4 and buy a PC.

The Call of Duty Modern Warfare games are still waiting for actual Michael Bay to adapt Paul Haggis’ script.

Destiny still makes this list invalid.

I'm sorry, but you underestimate the amount of players that were hoping for a videogame that simulates the adventures of a goat.