
For a game that has so many ambiguous characters, it’s great to see plain evil ones, which zero redeeming qualities. Like Whoreson Junior. I was laughing that the game gives me a choice to let him go, right in front of the bodies of his innocent victims.

Instead of asking the serial killer what were his intentions, I decided to finish him at the spot. He died with just one blow, now I don't know what the hell was the deal with him.

They have gone too far, and there's no penalty for it. That's why it will keep happening.

I smelled something fishy when they were pushing another game for backing before this one has even been out.

Sales don't immediately become a measurement of the value of the game to a publisher. A mediocre game, like Resident Evil 3, can sell very well initially, but it won't have the lasting power of an unanimously-praised game, like Resident Evil 4, which will sell well for years to come.

This is not a game for speed runners. You want to take your time and absorb the world.

I wish they had a Gwent mobile app tied to the game, so I could do those missions while away.

No, your choice. You don’t complete every single side quest. While this game gives you the illusion of a ton to choose from, most of them are not realistic to complete until you reach a certain level. You can play the story, skip them, and actually some will lock out if you decide to do so.

You probably should refrain from playing anything as every game gets patched these days. Even stuff on the iPhone.

Who wants to wear clothes in front of Yennefer anyway.

Sorry for calling out your Destiny goggles, but this is probably the most nonsensical whine I have ever read on this site, and I have been reading it for years.

To be the devil’s advocate here, a better-reviewed game means more money for the publisher. A game that has almost unanimous praise is likely to stand the test of time and sell many years after it was published. Think something like The Legend of Zelda, The Ocarina of Time. These are titles that will outlive most of

Coffin, meet Nail.

You don't have to do the side quests, but you get locked out of many as you advance the main story. Your choice.

Not likely, since your odds of winning this match are very good. 99% of people get their asses handed in Gwent.

Open world. There are plenty of enemies early in the game you shouldn't engage, but you have to find that out by sticking to the script and leveling up. Now, if you are awfully skilled, the game is not stopping you from attacking enemies far above your level.

You have to go out of your way of your quests to find the Place of Power very early in the game.

Enemies too easy? Set higher difficulty. You definitely can’t go through fights only hitting the attack button with that.

Best side mission in the game. Trollolololol!

We need to talk about Dudu. He’s Dandelion’s #2.