
Well, Team Fortress 2 is a game that will look good 10 years from now because they figured out this style doesn’t age.

Yeah, I think YouTube burnt a few bridges with their robo-bans. Streamers should thread carefully when dealing with Google.

I wish you could write as much of why Destiny should have matchmaking all over the game and not just the parts they cherrypick.

I doubt Michael Bay, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence will say no to those easy paychecks.

Dark Tower could have been better off as a show on HBO or Netflix.

You can't have a good feeling on a Ghostbusters movie not sanctioned by Bill Murray.

Wait, not one, but two Bad Boys sequels?

I'm assuming this picture was taken by a drone?

Too bad a list like this is not possible with Mac games. I still own a copy of Bungie’s Myth 2: Soulblighter and Halo: Combat Evolved, but can’t play them in my MacBook Pro.

There’s more shit going on that HUD than the panel of a stealth bomber.

Now Silent Hill is truly a horror game.

I’m still hoping there’s some sort of car combat in the upcoming Mad Max game.

I hope you didn't sponsor a Duke Nukem Forever there.

No other MMO on the market is jealous at the pace they're bleeding subs.

Destiny, a game in which Kotaku employees acquired either Stockholm Syndrome, or money from Bungievision.

Thank God I no longer have to click those boring Destiny articles just to read the good parts.

So retro 90s.

I’m pretty sure that whatever Destiny puts out is going to be regarded here as “fantastic” and “fun” regardless.

Picking on poor Nintendo. Find someone your own size, Xbox!