Valve wants to sell lots of Steam Machines to make the platform viable. I think that's the ace under their sleeves.
Valve wants to sell lots of Steam Machines to make the platform viable. I think that's the ace under their sleeves.
People can have their pissing contest about which FF is the best, but 7 is the one that most know and love. It's the only one I played. It's the only one that's part of pop culture.
For the cost of two of those you can also buy... A pair of headphones. They seem to sell well too.
The button layout of Sony’s controllers have varely changed in 20 years. There's a reason for that. You don't fix what isn't broken.
I envy those who would be able to play FF7 remake on a retro-flavored PS4.
I didn't meant to make the discussion a pissing contest between consoles and PCs, many people with consoles also spend $300 on headsets.
I still don't get it. I consider a game like Destiny broken and incomplete, yet there are the accolades.
They should call this version Doom Brown.
Which is not Sony’s exclusive.
XBOX ELITE CONTROLLER’S PRICE - The idea is sound. The price is insane.
With this game it doesn't matter much because it already has a laundry list of shitty practices besides this one.
You remember that you couldn’t play the raid unless you corralled 5 other people from who-knows-where? Now you need to corral people for practically everything.
CoD is in such a bad state that I think Activision threw it in the deal when Sony paid them bribes for Destiny.
Final Fantasy Wii U: Only on Playstation.
It looks like... A PS3 game. Expect a remaster a year after launch. If it actually launches. Looks like Microsoft forced their hand.