
Kotaku’s Destiny Publicity Tour 2015 continues.

All that backstabbing seems to be spilling over the game's development.

Microsoft: Wanting to be like Apple since 1984.

Can't they at least reskin those guns so they look like they belong in space and not WW2?

As a former fan of the series, I have Rocksmith now, and I can’t see myself playing with a toy guitar anymore. This game is still fun for parties, though.

We won't charge you to play the games you already own .

When Apple switched from PowerPC to x86 the transition was so smooth that hardly anyone noticed. It can be done.

We’re moving on from last gen... by “remastering” all their titles and selling them as new stuff.

I’d say otherwise. It's the large backlog of old console titles that keeps me from committing to a new one.

This. Is. Huge.

I think every FPS owes a little to Doom. In Call of Duty the A.I. is just there for you to mow down as you blast through the stage, as you pick up guns along the way. That's straight out from Doom.

Doom is over 20 years old and holds up better than most games released 10 years ago. It's ridiculously fun. Anyone who has never played it has no excuse, it's out in as many platforms as Tetris.

The melee is more powerful and violent than the firearms. No.

Now we know why backwards compatibility wasn't a priority on the new consoles.

Both the Apple and Google stores seem only to offer the bare minimum to help users find and discover content... the best way to get discovered remains to make a great game.

I think Threes got as much praise on Kotaku as Bloodborne, though I think Threes is overrated.

Kotaku. Every other day there's seem to be a 1000-word essay about Destiny.

Seems legit to me.

Now playing

Elder Scrolls Online, I’m looking at you.