The NBA’s unofficial play-in game lived up to its importance tonight, as the Minnesota Timberwolves needed overtime…
The NBA’s unofficial play-in game lived up to its importance tonight, as the Minnesota Timberwolves needed overtime…
Confederate flags in the midwest or rural northeast are dead giveaways that it’s not at all about “heritage.”
How do you know someone is lying to you or untrustworthy? When they have to tell you how honest and trustworthy they are, because they certainly can’t demonstrate it.
As a Tribe fan, these people are the worst. I removed my Wahoo decals and started only buying gear without the Chief pretty much right after I went to opening day and saw those protesters. Literally the only argument I ever needed, and should ever be needed.
there was a disclaimer on the video that it contained mature content. I must have missed that. All I saw were immature, bigoted idiots.
“America was never as good as you previously thought it was”
Hear, hear!
“and it’s not as bad as you currently think it is.”
Ah. There’s the bullshit.
As a non-American, I want to say this: Prior to 2017, I had always thought that America was a nation of kind, compassionate people blotted sparsely with the ugliness that invariably exists in any large group of people.
*extremely guy walking into a weekday, daytime baseball game voice*
You have to admire their staunch opposition to changing tradition. They’re even going to go as far as not winning a World Series for the 70th season in a row.
I mean, sure it looks bad but we should really wait for the New York Times to interview these people to see if they’re sad about a steel mill closing.
At Least We Don’t Live In Cleveland
Now that the Red Sox and both Chicago teams have won Series’ recently we really need a fun name for Cleveland’s struggles that’ll bring back some of that fun Billy Goat-Bambino stuff that Baseball’s so good at.
Flyers Fans Dismayed To Learn Gabe Kapler Also In Charge Of NHL Competition Committee
the USPS and the VA are 2 of the most successful agencies that this government ever created and for decades have been under attack by the the right.
The Post recently laid off a ton of people to generate better margins for the hedge fund that owns it, and then lost a lot of their sports staff to The Athletic. At this point, they’ve probably got Spider-Man in charge of editing their layout, and man, Spider-Man has crime to fight.
This is what happens when your entire sports staff departs for the athletic and you fire most everyone else and stick the survivors in a dusty closet in an industrial park.
♪I was gonna find the right picture....... But then i got high
This is one of the papers where new owners fired all the staff isn’t it?
An incredible national semifinal between Notre Dame and Michigan looked to be heading to overtime, then ended with…