Puerto Rico & DC are overdue for sure, but Puerto Ricans would just as likely vote for independence as statehood.
Puerto Rico & DC are overdue for sure, but Puerto Ricans would just as likely vote for independence as statehood.
Yes times infinity. If I read one more article about how this appointment is going to “change the direction of the court for a decade” I’m going to fucking scream. Assuming the Dems win the POTUS and retake the Senate, go and pack the court. Or pull the right to decide the constitutionality of cases from SCOTUS and…
Why do you need these stories so bad? There aren’t any stories because it isn’t news. No one expects to not get COVID-19 just because they wore a mask, so when people do get it while wearing a mask, it isn’t news so there aren’t stories. Sheesh!
Oh, you’re just looking for stories? None of the hundreds of people I know that wear masks regularly have contracted it.
There was a hairdresser here in town that had COVID and saw 140 customers over the course of a couple of days (she was doing this while her covid tests were pending! She claimed they didn’t tell her to self-quarantine even though she signed a release saying she would). In all that time, she and her customers wore…
Wear a mask until you sneeze really hard in it. Now you understand why you should wear one. It isn’t for your health.
some of the only jobs where you should be able to get away with a .320 average is baseball and shooting 3 pointers in basketball. Not being a got damn cop.
It is astounding how shit police are at their jobs. Like let’s take race out of the equation (we will put it back in a minute). How do you let man who is so inebriated and tired that they passed out behind the wheel of a car, disarm you and run away.
Garrett Rolfe, the 27-year-old cop who
fired atkilled Brooks, had worked with the Atlanta Police for more than seven years; in that time, his file shows at least 13 incidents of complaints and alleged misconduct, including a 2016 use of force complaint in which Rolfe used his firearm.
“You hate cops! You hate white people!”
LOL! Got these fucking racist shits scared. Hit Dog Holler.
Honestly, I’m amazed the pic doesn’t have their laptop monitors facing the camera, giving away sensitive information.
They know you’re running the football, so you lose three, four yards, so that wasn’t even in our process as coaches to think about that.
We always end our Halloween with “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”. Our October is filled with scarier fare, but the trick-or-treating and kid characters remind us how we felt when we were younger on actual Halloween nights.
We always end our Halloween with “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”. Our October is filled with scarier fare,…
It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. It’s a classic and we watch it every year.
It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. It’s a classic and we watch it every year.
Just to hazard a guess but fans don’t travel as much in the US so you’d rarely have a stadium broken down even as evenly as 70/30... It’s hard to get a true pandemonium scene with just a few scatterings of fans.
You know, that’s an interesting approach, but I think there’s a middle ground between “Let’s revisit whether this particular highly damaging activity should exist” and “No one ever do anything ever!”
“Boxing is like gymnastics” is certainly....a take.
Couldn’t the same thing be said about football?
I’ll be dead in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Detroit instead of Fort Wayne for the Pistons.