Harry Dean Learner

I could understand if this show was representing Nazis’ in a positive light, but this is just a fictionalized version of their cruelty, in a fictionalized work. Nothing about this show screams realism.

Nazi treatment of concentration camp prisoners was arbitrary and cruel. While none may have actually conducted human chess matches, knowing what we do about the things that actually happened it’s exactly the type of horrific absurdity you wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to read about.

I think if Hunters is what makes you think the Holocaust is fake, you probably already had a fair bit of denialism going on. I also find it odd that they would repost the photo while stating that it’s false. Doesn’t that just put it out there to far more people than saw the show?

but that scene is schlocky as hell and represents nothing remotely real.

It’s silly to say that all representations of the Holocaust have to be 100% truthful and that, went depicting Nazi atrocities, you can’t create fictional events. Nobody is going to watch Hunters and think it’s a documentary nor are they going in ready to deny the Holocaust happened. Those are will deny the Holocaust

Mostly all down the drain. A fair amount went into crumpled Kleenex.

Well that whole “I drink your milkshake” reading just takes on a whole other tone!

But these movies were about ghouls ‘n spook-ems, which means there must be a real connection to the supernatural, right?

I hope they talk about The Conquerer and Stalker, both of which had a significant number of their cast and crew subsequently die from various cancers that may have been related to their filming in proximity to a nuclear test site and chemical waste, respectively.

I just thought you’d like to hear it from me, face to face, so there’s no great mystery.

Just use lube, or there will be blood.

You used your left foot?

To this day, I still yell “Stanislavski!” at climax

Bam! Thank you for reminding me of the greatness of Funky Finger Productions this morning.

Masturbating Teen was an acting role in the 90s? I never realized how method I was.

Yeah, I got into a back and forth with him similar to you a few months ago. He said that the Log Lady’s final scene in Twin Peaks (The Return) was as sad a good-bye moment as Frank Burns’ good-bye moment on MASH.  Which is bizarre since the Log Lady character was dying of cancer, same as the actual actress who passed

Patricia Field/Hotel Venus, Religious Sex, Trash and Vaudeville, and then rip up some old shit and enhance it however. We are talking about clothes right?

Congratulations. That guy is a real ass-clown.

Bill Cmonguysimopen doesn’t get as many completions as he should.