First clue was when the two girls turned up safe and sound.
First clue was when the two girls turned up safe and sound.
-The gamer wanting to prove their superiority over others.
women don’t rock.
Never forget that JJ Abrams didn’t direct Cloverfield. It was directed by Matt Reeves, and written by Drew Goddard.
Rumor had it that the actual reason that HBO was denied permission to film at the University of Iowa was because there’s no way that Lena Dunham would be accepted to the Writer’s Workshop, and letting them film there would have reflected badly on the Workshop’s reputation. I watched half an episode and honestly could…
For the record, I enjoyed Mafia 2 - but I agree with your comparison to the first one. The first Mafia told a completely original story with great characters and a gripping finale, while the second just seemed to lift all of its major story beats from Goodfellas, with a mostly one-dimensional main character to boot.…
Yeah, they do have forests in the outer ring that they could get lumber from. That was one of my gripes about the show - three of the most massive walls in the world were constructed around farms, villages, and a massive city in less than a century, while titans were in the process of overrunning the world. But they…
That’s actually what makes Williams a really interesting composer to me, believe it or not - that he’s either phoning it in, or creating themes that help to define an entire decade of filmmaking. I honestly can’t think of another cinema composer that’s had that kind of career.
I agree with you to an extent - all of his chase songs and background scores are almost entirely interchangeable (with the exception of Saving Private Ryan,) but you can’t argue that his themes aren’t iconic. I mean, even though they share the same motifs, nobody’s going to mix up the theme for Jurassic Park with the…
Relax man, I’m just ribbing you. Though if you’re going to call John Williams a hack we’re gonna have to have some words :)
To me that’s kind of an odd choice - the first was rough around the edges to be sure, but nothing that would require a complete reboot, especially since they left the first game on a cliffhanger. I want to know what happens next damn it, I already know Faith’s backstory.
Yup, Victorian London is the Assassin’s Creed I’ve wanted to play since the first one. Everyone else can piss and moan, but I’m excited.
Giving a fellow American shit for putting ketchup on a hot dog is basically Communism. KETCHUP AND HOT DOGS GO TOGETHER. AS GOD INTENDED.
May I see it?
I'd say Taco Bell is "Atonement for your past sins" rather than "Mexican."