Harrison Fjord

Greatest. Manual. Ever.

I feel you completely. It’s getting harder and harder and I am so fucking tired. This was supposed to be fun. It’s such a goddamn shame.

It’s pretty clear that you don’t understand the issues being addressed here.

I’m sure he’s fine. You on the other hand. You need to wash your hands. Your knuckles are covered with dirt.

Again not saying racism doesn’t exist. But I do wonder if blacks have told themselves that they are oppressed so much that they begin to believe those thoughts.

Are white people suffering from some sort of lack of positive representation in media where you live?

Parasite: a person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return.

Very good of you to steal from other artists who may not share your “values”. As in, you place no value on the hard work of another.

Oh, is that what we’re doing now? Information rights? I NEEDED THOSE MOVIES TO LEARN! Reel it back Stealy McGoo- you’re a shoplifter.

Yeah! Fuck comcast for overcharging you for a service you don’t need to survive while you use it to steal things other people made! Those assholes!

He didn’t make anything up, they were being watched/recorded, it just wasn’t some big wide conspiracy out to get them like they thought it was. First clue was when the two girls turned up safe and sound.

Do we get bonus, “And you’re just fucking wrong.” points by mentioning that I’m a physicist and geophysicist, hold a graduate degree in science, and hold a professional certification in science? That I’m a practicing geophysicist working contracts in government, industry, and academia on a yearly basis, while

“You are the problem with our culture.”

My concern is that, the first game is it’s own thing and open world is there just because, they only use it so you have a feeling of freedom, while driving around, even though the game is very linear. And that weird, but amazing game mode with crazy cars and impossible to do missions.

The more I see of articles like this and promo materials, the more I feel that mafia became a parody of itself. The original game was not about openworld, and honestly the gameplay at it’s core wasn’t that amazing either, but I as a player had some link with my boy Tommy, grinding his way to the top, while I wouldn’t

The presence of Luthor in this movie clearly points to Clark and Bruce being manipulated. It’s not like there isn’t precedence for this type of conflict.

I like Kirk’s death. There I said it. I like that he died almost exactly as he said he always would: alone. Virtually alone, in this case. Making a difference on a forgotten nowhere backwoods planet for people he’ll never meet, with no blaze of glory, no final super space battle, just....tossed off a cliff almost on

Yeah Interstellar spent too much time having characters talk about their feelings when they should have spent time explaining how the MacGuffin works. I really wanted to know how a blight was slowly killing off all domesticated plant life on the planet; that would have been a fine usage of 40 minutes, at least, of the

some io9 commenters, having seen Interstellar: A character in this film mentioned love! No scientists know about love, therefore the science in this is awful, and everyone should feel bad.