Acid isn’t a problem. I don’t do a lot of sugar normally so I’m worried candy will maybe work of nausea but cause another type of barf feelings if that makes sense. In general I like sour candy so thanks for the tip I’ll definitely try it out!
Acid isn’t a problem. I don’t do a lot of sugar normally so I’m worried candy will maybe work of nausea but cause another type of barf feelings if that makes sense. In general I like sour candy so thanks for the tip I’ll definitely try it out!
Depends. In a Catholic church you are welcome to attend Mass but can’t take Communion unless you are a member in good standing. You can’t enter a Mormon temple unless you’re a member in good standing, and so on. It’s really up to the tenets of the faith.
You can go to Catholic church and attend a mass, just don’t take communion, that’s for people who have been christened and went through First Communion. As long as you’re not distracting worshippers, no one will mind.
I’m also not religious, so like the other replies, I’d say it depends. However, while in undergrad, I took a student-taught class called “Experiential Religions” where we went to a different house of worship every other week or so to observe what a religious service was like (we even went to an “atheist church”).…
Yeah seriously, oh boo hoo no stale cracker and weird secret telling time in the dark closet with Father for me. WHAT A SHAME.
Catholics welcome people to take part in mass, light some candles, play bingo etc. Most of the important things. But you can’t take communion if you aren’t a member. Or even if you are a member but not in good standing. You can talk to a priest but you can’t have an official confession.
I can only speak for a couple, but Jews are generally fine with non-Jews participating. Catholics are decidedly not ok with people taking Communion, but you can go up for a blessing during Communion time.
Depends I’m Lutheran and no we don’t care I don’t remember the rules about communion though. When I went to catholic school I couldn’t take communion but my Lutheran church didn’t really care what you were. When I was younger sometimes we had visitors from other religions and vice versa.
No, that’s a pretty solid plan. Especially in the Bible belt.
1.3 miles is a decent hike anywhere
1.3 miles is a decent hike anywhere. If there’s a Rapid bus line closer I’d just take that downtown.
If you have wide feet, I’d say ballet flats are a no-go. I’d suggest Dankso mary janes or Born sandals.
I usually walk to work in flats, but it is really hit or miss on how far you can walk in certain pairs without blisters. I walk approximately 3/4 of a mile between my apartment/subway/office. My big tip, though, is to keep a stash of shoes at work. I have approximately 6-7 pairs of of 2-3 in ch heels in my shoe drawer…
Eccos are pretty great!
Bass Weejun Loafers with leather soles.
Honestly, I love the pair of black ballet flats I found a Payless for a funeral last month. They’re cute, low-key and wide as hell. I did spring for the heel pads, tho. Worth it.
I like gekks. They have ones for ballet flats, ones for loafers, ones for sneakers. You can get them in nude or black. They fit inside the shoe so they work better than those thin little liner thingies.
Yeah, that limits your choices, though it’s possible that some Euro brands might be your magical unicorn.
I highly recommend Adrienne Vittadinny no show liners. They have 3 rubber strips at the heel and those suckers stay in place all day. I get mine at Costco at $10 for 8 pairs.