
Has anybody done the makeover at Sephora? It looks like you can get a “free” makeover if you spend $50 in products that day. I assume the intention would be for you to buy the products they use in the makeover. Would it be uncool to get the makeover and buy $50 worth of skincare or other non makeover related stuff?

When I was early elementary age, one morning while my father was reading the paper, he mused, “Well that’s interesting! Says here a lady swallowed an orange seed and a little orange plant started growing in her stomach. She found out when she coughed it up one day.” It being in the paper and all, I filed that story

Recommendations on boxed semi permanent hair dye? I was using Natural Instincts dark brown happily for years, but they changed the formula and the color no longer takes very well and washes out quickly. I’m looking to cover grey but leave hair as healthy as possible. That’s why I’ve been using semi permanent over

I asked her about that, and she said she can’t afford a babysitter for IRL support group. I was hoping there would some sort of message board, FB group or Reddit group or something.

This could be a good resource for more affordable counseling, but I don’t know if even this would be in her budget. I was thinking more of a free support group where she could have a community of folks who could empathize with what she is going through.

I have a friend whose husband has been dealing with severe depression for years now. He is under the care of multiple doctors, and, thankfully, seems to be making some progress; however, their insurance and financial situation do not allow for her to also receive counseling. Mostly she’s just stressed out and

Have you seenFakin’ da Funk”? Settle the question of whether this is a black movie or an Asian movie. On the one hand, Asian director and lead, but on the other hand, Pam Grier, Ernie Hudson, John Witherspoon, Tatyana Ali . . .

Does anybody have experience with using a derma roller? At the outset let me recognize that it sounds like a dodgy proposition to roll hundreds of needles around on your skin so maybe this is a plain on its face bad idea, but thought I’d see if anybody had direct experience. It would seem like there would be

I’ve heard this before, and that a lot of make-up artists swear by it as well, but wasn’t sure if it was all hype or clever marketing. Good to know.

Looking for recommendations on mascara. My lashes are not particularly long and do not curl up but rather stick straight out so are not very apparent. I’ve been using a very old sample of Clinique mascara and it was fine, but prone to flaking off and giving me a bit of a dark under eye look. I am lazy and cheap and

I’m on board with the general consensus that these objects absent context and education are still plain racist. Can I get some thoughts on a similar issue?There’s a highly regarded southern food buffet that’s housed in an antebellum home in a small southern town. The restaurant plays up its gracious “Old South”

In the past my experience had been consistent dissatisfaction with my appearance in the present but when I looked back in old pictures I would regret not appreciating the ways in which I looked good. Because of athletics, I started thinking I was overweight at a VERY young age, and I really wasn’t at all. At every

Obviously if acid is a problem, don’t do this, but some find sour things like lemon candy or lemonade helpful. Preggie pops which are for nausea are basically just sour candy.

I really like the female protagonist and themes of That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown.

Franny K Stein has a girl mad scientist protagonist, which is a nice change of pace. I think the reading level is grades 2-5. Mercy Watson is a fun early chapter book series (grades 1-2) about the (mis)adventures of a pig who loves buttered toast.

My father was reading the paper one morning when I was maybe 5 when he said, “That’s interesting! It says here a woman swallowed an orange seed and a while later she coughed up a little plant.” I filed that away in “interesting facts” and moved on. It wasn’t until I was in college when I reinspected this thing I’d

I was not raised in a particular religion so was wondering, from those who were, is it generally considered ok to go through the rituals of worship in sacred spaces when you are not an adherent of the faith of that space?

I have a neat little twist on this nightmare to make things every so slightly more stressful (for me anyway). My dream is the same as everyone else, forgot I signed up for a class or the withdrawal didn’t got through, BUT I figure it out the night before the final so I’m desparately trying to learn all the material in

Everything about this makes the Girl Scouts sound awesome. Side note: any time I see a contemporary organization or event with “Heritage” in its title I form a rebuttable presumption that it’s some sort of Klan rally in disguise.