
It’s fine. Assuming the people doing your makeover are Sephora employees and not brand representatives (and you’d know if they were as they usually advertise it as part of a brand focused store event), they don’t really care what you spend money on so long as you spend it with them. Plus iI don’t think they actually

Shea Moisture is pretty good. Kristen Ess is a nice gloss and much easier on my hair. 

L’Oreal has a semi-permanent dye. I don’t remember the name of it, and it’s been years since I dyed my hair, but I always liked L’Oreal better than Clairol for the permanent dyes anyway.

Contact the company directly. If enough people make their displeasure known companies have been known to go back to older formulas. Try discount stores for boxes of the stuff you like. When companies are rolling out a new formula, they get rid of their excess stock by selling it cheaply to places like that.

I was JUST about to post the same thing!! This morning I used my last hoarded box of Natural instincts Cinnaberry (5R, medium auburn). I’m keeping an eye out in stores to see if some might have boxes of the old formula still on the shelf. I hear the new formula is supposedly healthier/gentler, but doesn’t cover grey

Look into the local NAMI chapter.

If you’re in a pinch, open to it, and can’t find any specific support groups nearby, you might try AlAnon, support groups for people with loved ones in recovery or who are actively abusing alcohol or drugs.

Oh, online.

I know some churches offer that, I am not religious but I know some have groups for that, also helps speaking with a friend.

Yes, this country had a lengthy and ugly history of forcibly sterilizing people deemed “degenerates” (unwed mothers for example), “imbeciles”, and the “racially inferior”.

Don’t use bleach to clean stainless steel(it oxidizes it), and this little man is genius.

I wanted to get one but chickened out and got a jade roller instead which I never use

Seconding Better Than Sex! Huge volume, lasts all day and night. I work out after work, never take it off beforehand, and it never flakes or runs. Too Faced is cruelty free, if that’s something that matters to you too!

I am devoted to Benefit Roller lash because it doesn’t smudge and it leaves my lashes soft, unlike a lot of mascaras that stay put. I hate raccoon eyes more than anything on god’s green earth. It’s expensive though, and I feel like it was my first step onto the Slippery Slope of Expensive Makeup Products. Another

I second the great lash stuff. It’s better than the boutique stuff I’ve been buying for the last five years. I jut recently switched to it and will never go back.

The L’Oréal double extension mascara is the best! It has silicone in it so it actually creates little tubes around your lashes. No smudges or raccoon eyes, EVER! Comes of with warm water and it affordable to boot :)

Dude I spend money on makeup when it’s worth it. The very best mascara I have EVER used is Maybelline Lots of Lashes. The pink bottle with the green cap and the wand that is kind of shaped like a wedge. It is super reasonably priced, it stays on, it helps you get amazing definition on top and bottom. I have tried more