
ah, but maybe the proposal should have included piping the brinier outflow to Utah, yes?

(Golf clap.)

Hopefully a farm will be created at 26°40′37″N 80°02′05″W.

Our obsession in America of keeping petrol prices artificially low is infuriating. The very least we should do to get people to stop using fossil fuels is to let the free market decide by eliminating all subsidies to these companies and make no efforts politically to mitigate the costs. If it was costing us $8 a

Well, of course the exurbs and rural areas aren’t going to be installing light rail and we’re never going to be a “car-free society”, but I don’t think anyone’s actually advocating for that. The fact is there’s a lot of low-hanging fruit with large to mid-sized cities that could absolutely use decent public transit.

We should fix our public transit. But it’s not about forcing you, olddirtybootz, to take an ebike against your will. It’s about getting the most people possible to replace the most trips possible with greener alternatives.

You clearly have no idea that there IS a way to make public transit NOT suck.  Look at, say, literally every other developed country.

You know what, you’re right! Now I understand! No one else should discuss or mention ebikes ever again because you can’t imagine using one in your life. </s>

It’s weird how the GOP are all for “free markets” until it affects them. And complain about regulations, until they want them to stop competition. And shout about personal responsibility then run to the government for protection and bailouts.

“We all support renewable energy, and we want to see that goal completed,” Edlich said. “But there are better ways to accomplish this important goal.”

Thats more of a Shelbyville idea 

My joy-scroll is looking at the houses I’ll buy when I win the lottery, especiallty in places I have no intention of buying a house too

I have never agreed with anything more strongly in my life. Can’t believe I haven’t been doing this consistently all along. Only thing I’m trying to label things before I freeze them. I always think I’ll remember what it is but I never do.

“Sneakerhead” means you really love sneakers. You could have zero. You could have 500 pairs of Keds.

If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?

Retire, old man, you’re fucking useless. You can cluck your dessicated tongue and wag your bony finger at Trump’s antics all you want, but you don’t actually do a goddamn thing about it.

No offense, but this seems pretty preposterous. You’re paying $6k each year in after tax dollars just for the office rental.

In addition to being cruel and unnecessary, this would also have a chilling effect on the economy. Obviously, Trump wouldn’t know this since he has no idea what he is doing, but welfare money is actually a great thing for the economy, as pretty much 100% of it is pumped directly back into retailers. Welfare money for

It’s not frivolous, it’s an educational demonstration of how a token ring network functions. You can only access the internet when the car is at your station.

Just looking for the restroom.