
So I used to get a venti cafe mocha for $4.65 each day. I wanted to save some money so I switch to getting a tall for $3.45. However, a tall cafe mocha doesn’t quench my thirst so I just buy two of them.

Similar infrastructure myth to this - adding more lanes to a road decreases congestion - ignoring the effects of induced demand.

I think this The Line will be so successful that they will want to build another one parallel to the first, then another perpendicular those two lines, then another and another... until it seems to form some sort of grid-like object.

but main street’s still all cracked and broken

In college my favorite meal was adding a slice of pizza in a deli sandwich to make some unholy and delicious club sandwich.

I’ve used Dukes and Lords in the past. 

It sounds like if we did not have the social safety net of disability, then we would have one less successful nurse.

I believe you are correct, Ryuthrowsstuff. I used to work in this area for a three letter agency (a while back), but service charges and tips are considered two different things.

We will begin with the firemen, then the math teachers, and so on in that fashion...”

Seems like he’d rather quit than be called a minority [leader]

This article sponsored by “Crippling Debt”

In highschool, a friend of the girl I was dating, handed me a note and said, “Don’t kill the messenger”, this was on the same day my parents got their divorce finalized. That evening I went home, sat on the couch and tore my favorite pair of pajama pants.

I hate the graph in this research... dynamite plot, dual axis - neither starts at 0...

What are the two sides to this coin? rain/sun, nice day/ crappy day?

Is the space pope reptilian?

It’s pretty far away... So how about “A Dream of Spring, McMoonface”

It’s 12 hours of Mark Hamill reading the “Winds of Winter” in its entirety

I always like to ask people if they would feel safer driving if every other car on the road was autonomous.  

So in high school, I was meeting some friends after our two groups were seeing different movies. I got out first and decided it would be funny to continuously call and hang up on my friend so he had like 50+ missed calls.

Every company’s data management: