
The writing is on the wall for Drew at this stage of his career. He has to create this persona.

Except no one but a child would A. Believe him, and B. NOT notice the unhealthy hate/obsession he has toward a considerably more (and forever more) successful and talented peer of his. It’s weird. And sad.

Have you ever read writing before? Serious question.

Well, when the writing is objectively bad throughout the entirety of the site, one does have to question you (your age, primarily). And before you ask, I come to be entertained by their writing as well, but for decidedly wildly different reasons.

Because people actually read The Ringer.

You writing about other people’s writing is the sort of tragic irony even The Bard would find too mean to subject his characters.

Drew “goes after” those he thinks you all already don’t like. He hasn’t had an original opinion since The Decision.

I was about to star your post until I realized you WEREN’T talking about Drewfus.

“doesn’t get someone a lifetime pass able to handwave away all criticism of his turning into an incredibly lazy hackish writer the previous version of himself would have roasted on a regular basis.”

Peter Thiel. Or whoever he decides should fire you all.

Drew, how does it feel knowing that blogging (increasingly poorly) for this obscure, dying website will be the peak of your professional career?

Hey Katie, do you believe the things you write, or are you told to write these things? Serious question.

He very easily could’ve replaced “ESPN” with “Deadspin” in that diatribe.

I was also clear helmet to helmet targeting. So that play is a wash.

If you’re so upset by them, then they’re obviously working, stupid.

You people walk yourselves into such dramatic irony everyday, that I come here solely for that.

Soooooo, all of these people whom have had their wildest dreams come to fruition, surviving an at times, wildly unfair, extremely violent, and consequentially existential meritocracy due in (very) large part to another human whom has not been proven to have done anything wrong (merely “alleged,”) are all racist and

The ONLY way this will drive the deficit up is if there are ZERO spending cuts coupled with massive government spending, which anyone whom can look past party affiliation for even one second can objectively understand needs to come (cuts) and directly at the expense of social “welfare” programs. They’re out of hand

No, he’s right. Anything harder left than current Democrat is full communism. If you can’t see that, you’re not paying attention to anything, really. It’s akin to Trump voters saying, “we need to go HARDER RIGHT,” which would be Richard Spencer white nationalism.

You had that for 8 years (10, actually, when contemporary dems won House/Senate in 2006). How’d that work out for you/us (IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BIGGEST WEALTH GAP EVER)?