
“they are targeting the arena to raise awareness and disrupt “ordinary fun activities.” it’s a good tactic. makes more sense now. thanks!”

It’s okay to be critical. It’s a wildly ineffectual way to get people to both converse, and agree, AND join your cause. Conversely, it’s a WILDLY effective way to ensure that you piss everyone off by inconveniencing paying customers whom will now have a night ruined, maybe have to pay for a babysitter they now don’t

OH THANK GOD you added that asterisk! I was about to take severe and hysterical offense your clearly objective and measured description of events, then call you racist and threaten your life while also making inflammatory comments about your race!

Right?? As if deadspin readers know any black people...

Was this a sincere attempt? 

You sound really really smart and fun to be around!

You could open a juice bar with that kinda cherry-picking prowess.

I KNOW! I mean, the nuance in these comments is really making me wake up to how dumb I am and how smart you all are! And REALLY makes me want to work with you guys to make the world a better place, after you told me how dumb and evil I am! Thank you! #RESIST

We do. We’re so stupid and you guys are all so smart! The comments really solidified how smart you all are and how dumb I and other Americans are. #RESIST

Aaaaaaaand that’s why no one respects millennials opinions on politics. Great job on your comment, though! Look at all those stars! #RESIST

Low effort troll job.

Jeez, you’re pretty racist. Typical deadspinner.

This is more nauseating, unfortunately.

Your bit about Allen is proof you’ve never seen the kid play. Generational arm talent, decision making and mobility all in one, and all in a pro style offense with zero NFL talent around him (except for one receiver from last year whom I believe had a few catches for the Lions in 2017). Lamar Jackson has never had his

Serious question: would you be offended if you were in Jamaica and someone from 100 yards away called you an “American dog?” And if so, would you be offended because you deemed it ‘racist?’ I’m truly asking sincerely.

Fucking LOL @ trying to call someone/something racist, then concocting your own invented racially insensitive statement for no reason (other than to strawman).

Then you must have spontaneously combusted reading this social studies essay, amirite?

“History lesson?” You’re telling me you actually learned something from this article?? And it’s going to potentially cause change your vernacular??? Yikes...sorry, forgot where I was for a second.

I don’t doubt you thought what I wrote is “nonsense” if you think one would need a thesaurus to write it. No where in what I wrote did I state or imply that I ever would care to use such boring phrasing. I was highlighting how this article was useless at best and negatively consequential at worst. And to top it off,