
Some asshole blocks my entry into an event I paid a lot of money for, yes - pushing him out of the way is a reasonable solution.

What better way to make a point than to prevent people who are almost certainly sympathetic to the cause from enjoying themselves at a completely unrelated event?

What is the acceptable terminology to call out a purposefully dishonest and title that mischaracterized what happened?

Because as long as you’re “raising awareness” you no longer need a logical connection to the behavior you’re protesting. Not to mention the redundancy of “raising awareness” about an event with national news coverage.

I can see it now....James, Harden and Paul would literally get in an in-game fistfight for the ball.

Slightly better than the baseball one, where you’re supposed to stop trying while the other team is still trying.

So is the unwritten rule that when you stop trying, the other team should stop trying?

jesus, someones got a bit of chip on his shoulder! lol...

I think the guy that filmed this is a snitch and I hope every car he ever owns suffers from constant electrical gremlins as karmic payback.

You are lazy.

I’m sure glad he didn’t call him Crocodile Dundee. We can’t have that kind of racism running rampant in the NBA.

Is it though?

where did barstool touch you man?

Non storey for every press except deadspin. ... be America is sooo racist

These are...not racist.

If you can’t get behind The Punisher killing some guys who were about to bury someone alive in cement, maybe this isn’t the franchise you should be reviewing.

Yeah. True.
For me it's just gotten ridiculous.
Same theme "Women masculated/ men E-masculated."

While I don't disagree with you on that topic, I don't want this to turn into a discussion of it. The only thing I will say to that, and am hoping doesn't happen with my criticism of Addy, which I would like to stay focused on, is I hate it when you offer a critique of a female character or female driven story, and

I pretty much agree.
Getting so damn monotonous seeing men as fools and women constantly saving the day.
It's turning up everywhere.
Last movie I watched, Suicide Squad…A woman runs the op, a woman is the big, bad villain and a woman saves the day!

I have despised the character of Addy ever since the start of season 2. We spend all of season 1 seeing how mentally and emotionally unstable she is, even going so far as to abandon Operation Bitemark altogether. Had it not been for the nuclear strikes she would have very well still been involved in that woman's