
Soooooo everyone gets a tax cut, and that’s somehow evil?

“Because it is so cruel and so stupid, so petty and also so astonishingly vast, it is difficult to fully get a handle on the $1.5 trillion tax bill that the Republicans pushed through the House and Senate on Wednesday.”

It’s because you’re probably losing your mind having to simultaneously try to be a #feminist AND engage in incredible misogyny (ya know, the whole criticizing a woman’s looks solely because you don’t like her opinions on some issue or another). Things must be super hard for you.

Wow, how #feminist of you. Equality for women (unless I hate that white bitch), right?

Gr8 b8 m8, ir8 8/8.

Sorry, where’s this alleged “racism?”

Duh. Didn’t you know that any criticism of any person whom happens to be black is always and forever due solely to their race? IT’S 2017, GET WITH THE TIMES.

Moore is a convicted child molester? That’s huge news! Show me, please.

Totally. And it also gives us license to show how racist we all are, too! I hate all white people (white women especially), just like you and the author. Why can’t people be as smart and enlightened as us? Damn, we’re smart.

Sorry, since when did caring about abortion become not an important value, especially when those whom care the most vehemently actually believe it is murder? Wouldn’t someone whom believed abortion was murder absolutely think that stopping it was the most important value worth voting for?

Maybe you should never see nor speak to them ever again, because they’re, according to you, such awful people worthy of denouncement and ridicule on the internet by people you, nor they have not, nor will ever meet.

Nice advertisem...ahem, editorial, Patrick. 

You mean just like every person regardless of race, age, gender and sexual orientation throughout any and all major media/social media outlets, and public policy forums around the country does? What a courageous stand to take these days!

No, his point was that if you think that’s the point, you’re not the sharpest bulb in the shed. #JezebelSports

How is it that you believe that you’re the arbiter of what is and isn’t offensive to another human being whom you’ve never met? That is, in essence, your thesis to SUPPORT the protests, definitively. To you, whites don’t understand black lives, yet black lives fully understand whites to the point that “a dialogue” and

While I agree with everything you wrote, it’s for the perfectly opposite reasons. Because unlike you, I disavow superficiality.

You should immediately apologize to your parents for how much money you still owe them.

“All we know” is that he was arrested for “allegedly” being involved in a murder.

She probably started MUCH earlier than college.

Hopefully not try to make jokes with the wit equivalence of “I know you are, but what am I?”