You know, I have watched the proceedings quite faithfully for a long time - more than 4 years - but I had to throw in the towel last week.
You know, I have watched the proceedings quite faithfully for a long time - more than 4 years - but I had to throw in the towel last week.
It would cost us the greatest economy in a generation.
How dare you make a valid point using math! This is America, dammit!!
Half is only paid by your employer if you’re not self-employed. Low-income people frequently end up as “independent contractors” and foot the whole bill for FICA taxes, which is already at 15.3% before income tax and state/local taxes. For middle/high income earners, raising the medicare tax to 3.5% or 4% is…
By most statistics, average Americans are better off than they’ve ever been; unemployment is at an all-time low for every demographic. Uh, why can’t we keep going the way we’re going? Well, there is the matter of the deficit, which is funding much of Americans’ current prosperity. But none of these plans do anything…
Bs not everyone wants a sport bike
I guess you guys weren’t getting enough clicks on your videos???
I love Harley as a motorcycle. I hate Harley as a brand. I bought my first HD when I was 22. Bought my second when I was 23. Both were used and cheap. But god did I love the hell out of those bikes. I cried the day I sold the second one for rent money. I loathed the stigma that came with it, tho. I wasn’t old, I…
You forgot to tell the kids... GET OFF MY LAWN! ;)
I wondered the same thing. My childhood experience was the same, but then again I’m well out of my twenties (and thirties) so I’m not representative of much of Lifehacker’s readership.
Is this for real? I can’t tell if this is just a troll article or something.
I don’t mean this is be a knock on the people involved here (or to implicitly be asking them to get off my lawn), but isn’t this taught in the early grades? Did they stop that for budget cuts?
Is... is this a real thing...? People not knowing how to read analog clocks?
Everyone should attempt a long distance motorcycle trip atleast once.
You are very correct about how people react differently to a motorcyclist coming into the diner or even at the gas station drinking a gatorade than someone traveling in a car. Recently my buddy and I did a short 5 hour weekend trip for a rally and took the scenic route to enjoy some country riding. (Full disclosure he…
Exactly this. The range of aromas on the road are wonderful.
There is something to be said for traveling cross country on a motorcycle. I’ve done it. It’s a great experience.
Full disclosure: I’m the one that suggested this book to Elizabeth. So if you have any comments about the fact that this isn’t technically about racing/motorsports, or that it’s not about cars, or any other women/motorcycle shit, please direct your vitriol here in the comments to me and not Liz.
20 years ago I would argue that riding a motorcycle from coast to coast and back, on the little roads and highways, at least once, should be a prerequisite for running for President. You gain understanding if you have been hit in the face by bits of each state. Oh, and the aroma.
Jalopnik writers, like most journalists, don’t specialize in data based analysis. It’s easier to just get mad and make a bait driven hit piece.