Harahan Mike

I’m sorry I have to be true to myself and my beliefs.

Theres nothing wrong with driving the vehicle you like. It's popular to hate on trucks, but driving a truck without using the full capacity is no worse than driving a sports car without taking it on the track.

Trucks don’t really get fewer MPGs than sports cars nowadays either. Just let people live their lives, damn

Having mean thoughts or negative assumptions about people, usually strangers, for no good reason. I see people and tend to make certain assumptions based on their appearance. I like to think that none of my actions reflect this thinking. It is a behavior I am trying to eliminate.

I really stress out over tipping in some situations.

I’m going to leverage your thought leadership when we ideate our next ecosystem disruption. I think a deep dive initiative will help unpack the core competencies needed to move the needle on our deliverables. Hopefully, it will incentivize engagement among key players. I’m out of pocket right now, so I can’t drill

As long as there are no term limits and lobbying is permitted, the two party system will continue to be figurative taint sweat.

Pssst....semi-automatic rifles are not assault rifles.

I’m glad you’re not in charge of the accounting department. 

32 in October?? Man... Where I live it's still 85 and maybe if we get lucky it will drop to low 70s at night... *sigh*

HVAC engineer here that spent the first half of my career designing vapor compression refrigeration systems.

The optimum temperature in my house is the temperature I feel like setting my thermostat on.

Came here to say this. Not only were most choppers overpriced, they were essentially trailer queens, to boot. Stupid looking, hard to ride, expensive to maintain, it’s amazing they even go for that kind of money.

Hoping for a recession to spite a political foe seems like a new kind of fucked up.

Globalists are to blame about MFG exodus. Im a lucky one who has been able to hold on in a non union plant (perfer it that way). My community was hit HARD. Now on rebound thanks to Trump. You can hate him all ya want. Those jobs have bounced back... 

Low (indirect) heat to prevent flares and a marinade? Oh hells yes that can be done.

I’ll let you health nuts have that extra 10 years of longevity. I’m not giving up grilled meats for any study. 

Light American lagers are perfect for the situation you’re describing. I love craft, big IPA fan, but they aren’t always good for doing other stuff with. Sometimes, a cold beer is JUST a cold beer, and doesn’t have to be a damned experience to be evaluated and savored.

“Harm,” as in, “make worse”? No, nothing in the known Universe can do that.