
Too soon... no star for you.

The only 28 year olds I'm buying are either hourly or sportier or both

one should never touch the appearance of a vehicle without first altering the performance of said vehicle?

I have mostly found the M’s I have driven to be annoying. Too “turned up to 11" for daily driving on the street. And the added cost both upfront and ongoing is ridiculous for the added performance, when the basic car is already faster than anyone has any need of on the street. Then you get to what exactly is the point

So hot. He must be bacon.

would you care for more shnitzengruben?

How does one get to that stage in their life?

You’re a fool if you think Dr. Dickhead there stopped at just a BA. (Hence the “Doctor”..... he didn’t go through that much school to be called “Mr Dickhead”)

On its own, in terms of condition and value, I’d say NP, but thinking about the target demographic for this car, I’m having to vote CP, and at pretty much any price, because no one who drives an “Executive” package Audi is going to want to show their face in a used one from 2006 that’s been disguised to look like a

Hahahahahaha...sorry, let me catch my breath. With a 12, nigh 13 year old Audi you are basically buying yourself the scary Victorian house at the end of the street that everyone marvels at but you know people get murdered and turned into wall art in there. I’m telling you from experience, do NOT go in there.

PFTCommenter and the Mickstape podcast are great. The rest of Barstool is mostly trash. Drew Magary is great. A lot of the rest of the content on Deadspin is trash. A lot of people subscribe to the New York Times even though their editorial section often publishes trash.

I guess it was convenient to ignore that Magary was quoted extensively throughout the fawning WaPo story. Is it okay for an employee of this site to regularly go to bat and publicly advocate for an employee of the racist-misogynist site? Feels like it should’ve at least been addressed in the post.

I’ve never understood the appeal of Barstool but I do think PFT is funny. It’d be great if he was able to do his act with a different company but it didn’t seem like anyone was willing to invest in him.

I love Deadspin and I am and will always be Team Deadspin, particularly when it comes to Barstool.

Did the math adjusted for consumer price index. $1.56/gallon in 2003 is about $2.13/gallon in 2018, which works out to about a $50/year fuel premium for today’s toughest, smartest, most capable F-150 ever.

I think some asterisks that showed the rate of inflation or a table of “in current USD” would be helpful here. $1.56 in 2003 is $2.11 today. So your $9.25 figure for the 2003 F-150 cost/100 miles is $13.21 vs. the $13.80 you’re paying today.

For the record, Love The One You’re With was a Stephen Stills solo song. Not that any of their side stuff is distinguishable from CSN(Y), much like Infinitis aren’t much different from the Nissans they’re based on, so it’s still an appropriate comment.