
While I dated (and loved for a while) a woman with some delightful ‘surgical enhancements’ it ultimately wasn’t to be. (Still miss her, though. Long sigh . . .)

The story is fairly well known but bears repeating.

So, Caron Butler?

If anything he should be writing more, not less. He’s an incredible writer. If he were to start writing books I would sign up in perpetuity to buy them. (Sorry, I think he’s really undervalued on Jalopnik and was waiting for an opportunity to point it out).

Never trust someone who can’t pay for their toys.

I’d say NP only if the interior didn’t smell like Axe body spray.

drinking 100oz a day of Mountain Dew and a sleeve tattoo were required


It looks very tidy and with a lot of power, a high center of gravity and a short wheelbase it certainly won’t be boring to drive.

If you can change 1 life,

If Arby’s gave you all the meats

Looking at the wrong car you are

the roofs too low for his head

Alright Dr Seuss settle down.

I too would like a fast car.

DANG. Looks like we can all go home early.

#COTD nomination right here.

Fatty fatty boom boom
needs more room room
can’t get behind the lil red vroom vroom!

You did not want ST in red
You purchased CUV instead

Rob, you’re buying into “ageism.” As someone who has been able to buy beer for multiple decades, starting at age 18 because I went to the University of Wisconsin where beer is readily available at the student union, those of us with some miles under our belts know a helluva lot about maintaining and enjoying