
Dead? Just plug it back into the wall. You’ll be fine.

He had an answer for everything thrown at him, and over 13 draining rounds, he clinically beat Cooney up, bringing him further and further from land, reminding him constantly that he would eventually drown in a horrible way.

Oh man, you’re not wrong. It’s def a Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust with a lift and larger wheels.

Has a slight Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust vibe to it. needs a Pope’s head box on top.


Same with the Gwinnett Braves name! Gwinnett of course was founded by a group of racists, and was later the home of more racists.

I just told my buddy that this looks like a damn theme park ride!

So it was basically a real-time game of Oregon trail in reverse, only with a mugging instead of dysentery?

Meanwhile, a 30-something couple-he an actuarial, she an Office Depot manager-drove by in their 2015 Toyota Camry. Never exceeding the speed limit by anything that would garner attention they arrived at their unremarkable house without drama a half-hour later.

Pilot here. Can confirm lowness of runways.

skimming the beach on their ultra-low takeoffs and landings

You can eat off of any engine bay if you’re just less picky about things.

Hey, I’m not that fat. (but thanks)

This is great, Diana. And I couldn’t agree more about newspapers trimming the fat in all the wrong places.

1,000, not 1,00.

Did he apologize afterwards ?

Little known fact: this is how the Forester was born.


Boxers, and a CVT Pathfinder?

When a Civic is taxed until it costs almost $60k, why not get an ace of base Model S?