
I feel bad pooping on anything that has “Li’l” in it’s name, but other than the stacked exhaust, there really isn’t anything interesting about it. But out of the three model cars I made as a kid (before my parents took away the model glue) this was one of them.

I believe you have my stapler. 

That is pretty funny.  

My dad gifted a Grey 1989 SHO back in ‘91 when he upgraded to a Red ‘90 SHO. I really loved that car and kept it for seven years and took it to 128k miles. I never hooned it, but then again I was in my 20s and most (no not you, whoever is about to clap back he/she would curate every car like it was in a museum) of us

Now that right there is one beautiful Dodge Stealth-D.

So you’re saying that an evil group took over the vehicle of the good guys, then repurposed for their own and then lost the war?

This Truck is all about me — it’s brutish, can haul loads of Herbs, and gives the veneer of something that I’m not. Hell, I don’t even know how to drive, but that won’t stop me from owning it.

First, I wouldn’t trust the owner of the car at all

What if the crew of the USS America decided that its commander in chief was a complete dipshit and went rogue when he wanted them to stick to sports? 

I’ve owned both the current version of the XC90 (for 65k miles) and a sport version of this example (78k).

Someone let the new guy from K&N Filter describe the Z51 package:

Thanks for the article!  Thanks for helping save an endanger species

One fun add on that no one told me about — and in fact the folks at FCA and SiriusXM customer service we’re unaware of: the SiriusXM radio also plays all the Internet stations. No app needed. Works about 90% of the time (ergo, why I talked to customer service). Additionally when Jam On went from satellite to

Crack Pipe! Like everything on the Internet I expect to pay nothing and get great content daily, or at least 5 days a week at 8 am.

Asking $8k for a clean, but uninteresting and underpowered car? He’s got some big

This guy is almost as bad as the owner of the Viper in terms of pictures. He spent beaucoup bucks to upgrade the wheels and only posted one picture of the new set and all the other exterior pics are of the factory wheel. The originals make it look seriously dated and the new set brings it forward a decade.

“A little loud, yet tasteful, bit over priced.”

When I’m not HappyTeslaOwner I am VeryHappyGLA45Owner.  Bought a 2015 CPO and love thrashing it around rural lands.

We’re getting too much rain in MD to get a lot of spiders - they’ve made little spider boats and floated away to spider land somewhere in California.

We could just play “I Spy with my Little Eye” instead of NPOCP...