
What I meant was that under 50 degrees you cant start to see that the car uses more energy.  But yes at 5 degrees it is much more noticeable.  When it gets really cold it’s usually a good thing to have the car connected (even if it’s full of juice) and turn it on to get the heater going, so the batteries are warm from

The battery has to fail first. That said I was wrong in my initial comment — it’s 8 years and u limited miles. So a bit easier to swallow. 

I haven’t really kept on everything Tesla, so I’m not the best as figuring out a how the motors are performing long term. Look at https://www.teslarati.com/ for a lot of good info.

If that were true, don’t you think Tesla wouldn’t allow the batteries to be charged so quickly at home, let alone at supercharging stations?  Then they’re just purposely giving people large swaps for large financial losses.

Yep, shouldn’t have said never, but family trips in a 3 for 1000 miles to stay a week somewhere is giving up on some conveniences.

For an a5 I had, there was a problem with — if I remember correctly — leaky cylinder heads. It was fixed under warranty. Audi was charging $8k for the fix. Now, if not under warranty I could have gone elsewhere and done it cheaper, but via Audi that was the price. So the BMW M3 engine, installed probably is a bit

It’s possible, but you are giving up convenience. I do 600 and 1000 mile trips about 10 times a year and I do them with just stopping for gas/food.  To do that in the Tesla would add on hours to my trip.

They did assure me that I would be getting my original range back, so there’s that. Been reading that it might be a 90 pack though. And I retain my Performance specs too.

Hey all, I made an error on warranty — its good for 8 years unlimited miles. My bad.  I’ll drive around in a CVT Lexus as punishment.

Hey Rob, so I was an idiot and provided wrong info on the warranty.  Is there any way to make a correction?

except, I was wrong.  It’s good for 8 years regardless of miles it turns out (wish I could edit my initial comment).  Still 2+ years is something to consider on the negative side.

No, not really. The bigger issue is that I was wrong on my warranty info — so it’s good for 8 years. Note sure how many packs have been replaced, but all of them I suppose have been for free so far.

I wish I could go back and edit it Jay Farrar.  It turns out it is an unlimited 8 year warranty.  I just had my fact wrong — I knew I was good regardless on my battery and thought it was only til 100k.  But I believe that once it’s over 8 years old it’s just coasting on borrowed time.  But don’t take my word for it,

Yeah, but I was wrong on the warranty. As someone corrected me, it’s unlimited miles for 8 years — so until 2021/22. A little bit better than 1 month from my estimate.

No. Not a novelty toy. It does however have drawbacks as all cars do. If a family can afford only one car, it should never think of EV. But a family shouldn’t never buy at mustang at the only vehicle either. In your way of thinking, nothing but a long roof ICE is a novelty.

It did it parked at someone else’s house.  Called Tesla, they got a tow truck out there and dropped it at Tesla for us.  So instantaneous really.

Honestly, it wasn’t a concern.  I heard someone else talk about it and assumed what he said was true.  I would have looked at it more closely, and you should get all the stars so folks can see my mistake.

I have no idea how our battery pack failed, if there was some cheat sheet to it it would be fascinating to know.  That said the Tesla forums are loaded with geeky info that might help out.

I did the 100 because SPEED!  I had the space and it is nice to get all that energy so quickly.  But if you are a reasonable person then I guess (sigh) that is a prudent choice.

I’m reading up on it now — there are 3rd party vendors that will do it for $18k (with a warranty), but yeah, that is still expensive.