
Something cool I’m eagerly awaiting from Chevy? Not seeing this guy anymore:

Even the Azteks are making fun of the Summit’s looks.

Gives a new meaning to Axel Powers.

This was the moment I was dreading, this was the moment I became an old fart, horrified by the indulgences and carefree attitudes of today’s car society.

Total work of FART

It’s like a Jason Statham movie: I have no earthly clue why anyone would spend money on it.

Interesting, I’ll look at it.

It’s a lot of money to blow, but you leave with a lot more information in your head. There were novices like me (drive fast nubes) and a semi-pro (who, like me, actually got a little car sick from his own driving) and lots in between.

I took the BMW driving school there in SC almost two years ago and Johan is the main instructor there. He’s the “prototypical” Austrian, pretty funny and relaxed but a real hard ass and very demanding of his students as well. I highly recommend taking the course if anyone is thinking about it — we learned a whole

It’s so cute I want to take it home and make into the world’s best pee-wee zamboni machine.

For so many “value” options I always hate the thought of being stranded on the side of the road. But this is a purchase price where I feel being stranded might be a fair trade off. NP.

Seems half-assed to me.

I’m on team pre-tied! Spend and extra minute lacing shoes versus having some schlump unwittingly doing it for me? Every damn time and twice on Sundays.

I asked a question in response to this:

So, if every kid eight years old that swam also raced cars you’re convinced more would die from swimming than racing cars?

shows the windscreen corner covered in ash from our recent fires ride along with Snoop Dogg, so it’s a homeboy.


A Very Special Where Are They Now: The Children of Devo who Dress Like Their Dads.

“Cars, cars, everywhere, Nor any wheel to drive.”

Great movies in general, just a little odd that’s all. But it’s a concept, so whatever happens it won’t look like that at the dealer.