
I agree, great movies.

Seriously, some Honda designer has been inundated with an endless loop of Cars/Wall-E back to back.

“There’s only six countries that will get the Polestar 1: China, the United States, Sweden, Norway, Germany, and the Netherlands.”

Cullen: So, you telling me there’s sum sorta weight restriction penalty?


The guy was super close to his Beetle. I mean almost attached. There is not one picture taken in the whole listing where he was capable of getting the entire car in the shot — every single exterior pic has a least part of the car out of frame.

When a Super Trooper goes undercover. NP.

I usually don’t like the “but for this money you can..” but for this money you can get a factory Audi S4 Avant slightly newer.

Someone who buys a minivan/SUV/truck is someone who’s needs utility. I wholeheartily agree someone who buys a Miata will want more utility than someone that wants a Vanderhall, but you could say anyone who buys anything with four wheels wants more utility than a Vanderhall offers. It’s a matter of lumping a Miata

That price is either out of this world or just mythical.

I’m a winner

I’m glad the spirit moved you to tell me that.

Hey, Hey, Hey, settle down! You can’t just go out and buy five AMCs at once. You’ve got to.....

I assume every single panel of that car is beyond repair because the dirt is hiding something.

That’s not my body odor, that’s my pheromones— and Sex Panther.

Not sure I’d buy anything for $27.5k if the owner didn’t even bother to wash it. It’s like going on a first date and not bothering to shower after two days at the gym and still wearing the same clothes.

Hey Vanderhall Dan, if you’re trying to be anything but the epitome of a sanctimonious ass with that quote, try winking at the camera when you do it.

Pfft. It would have sold for more if they didn’t break the white dot seals on the hood and doors — dumb Brits.

Sure, Michelle wouldn’t go to the prom with me back in ‘85, but when I show up 1,000 ft away from her parents house (as allowed by law) with a limo she will finally see that I made it. Then we’ll hit Little Ceaser’s and the rest falls into place just like I wrote on my online manefesto.

Something that is non-political like Joseph McCarthy Highway.