
Commercializing a day that memorializes fallen U.S. soldiers in order to sell things?

I don’t have claustrophobia, but being in a unidoor anything would give me the heebee jeebees.

See? Told you the Toyota Venza wasn’t dead!

I didn’t think Auto-Erotica really existed until now.

It’s like finding the soul of a thoroughbred found in the body of a Shetland Pony. Interesting as hell and never in a million years would I buy it.

I agree with the winter birding, but this is the opposite — selling in Florida in May when the photos were taken in NH this winter. And as someone noted, the phone is for a NH dealer, but posting on FL craigslist.

New Hamnphire-plated car photographed up north and now sold in Florida when everyone else is making the reverse drive? Looks like a huge crack in the rear bumper and about the least informative craigslist post I have ever read?

Honestly, who hasn’t been there?


You’re only nine paragraphs in, keep going....

Yeah, you’re venting AND explaining yourself and your beliefs to a random commentor who made a joke that somehow a Chevy Commercial Campaign is proof of the downward slide of American society.

You must be fun at parties.

That right there is the holy trinity of Yahoo comments:

Nope, it’s a proven fact the only way historians have successfully deduced the exact moment of a societal downturn is based strictly on Chevy advertising campaigns. Just look up the fall of Rome.

And you’ve never thought out a comment or perused other people’s comments on the same thread before typing away have you?

Lighten up Francis. It’s a comment about a chevy commercial.

Here here! Anything we can do to take away from the UK with the Brexit vote, the large acceptance of Le Pen in France, the increased power hold given by the people to Erdogan in Turkey and countless other leaders in central and Eastern Europe. Speak nothing of the personal liberty policies in the Middle East, Africa,

Yep, can’t think of anything else that would ever help us recognize the increased voice of the unintelligent.

Thank you. I only comment here to be completely serious and would hope that others would recognize that there is always a place and time where people should make complete generalizations about society based on the true bellwether phenomena of commercial strategies.

Completely seriously. If I am worried about the downfall of American Society I’m going to declare it as solely based on the continuation of an annoying commercial campaign and post it in the comments section of Jalopnik. Only the most serious and trusted opinions are thrust into the public eye via the Kinja