
That this is not universally hated across the US makes me think our great country is on the downward slope as a society.

He realized he was going to crash;

Jalopnik can see into the future!

Wait, I need closure on your anecdote!

Thank you

I’d like NP voters to comment on why. Just expand for us please. No snark, maybe there’s something 94+% are missing.

It’s almost as if anyone who likes the exterior of this mean-looking truck is forewarned by the engine bay to be leery of what lies just beyond...

HEY! Proud former owner of an ‘78 LeSabre Custom who got lucky that magical night in January of ‘89.

I came to see how long the thread would be on 90s/early 2000's chevy cars, but this stopped me in my tracks:

Louvers or leave it.


Professor Graverobber,

Just before he wrote about not wasting his time he wrote this:

It feels strange to say this, but say all of the above in a 328 wagon and it’s NP, but 5 series and it’s too large to enjoy thrashing.

This sounds ridiculous but true. My parents and I lived in Singapore back in ‘76 and my dad got a GTV as the family car. Needless to say, Alfa and tropical weather went as well as tequila and ice cream. It would not start probably weekly.

My mom bought a 2013 GS loaded (of course her grandkids should have audio control from the rear seats) and I was a little disappointed in her choice. Now she can’t drive and it’s in my driveway. I don’t drive it a lot, but as a long hauler it’s more comfortable than our Tesla or new XC90. Sublime highway car. I’d

I’ll use the coupe as the donor for the sweet 4000s instead thank you very much.

Couldn’t we have something a little less spectacular to start out our Saturday mornings? I’m sitting here on the couch, and after 2 hours of non-movement this article really makes me look bad. Couldn’t you have found an article about a guy who almost didn’t get butter stain on his sweatshirt to make us all feel like

Fixed the wheel pic for you.

The ‘78 Buick LeSabre needs oil.