
Old Man HappyTeslaOwner is only offering a mint condition keyboard with working comma key in exchange for the Passat dope.

While I appreciate the effort to improve aerodynamics with the moon discs, the environmental damage I’d incur on the world as I use three tons of bleach to clean out the hot tub doesn’t even it out.

GB Motorsports COO: George, you’ve made our Boss 5.0 (tm) the most inspiring Mustang since someone made a Boss, I’d dare say five times better.

I liked it until the last picture when it became apparent the build manager just didn’t a shit and imported a Chinese knock-off of a late 60's Mustang instead of doing it himself.

Cadillac Concepts are the vaporware of car companies. Or in pre-Milennial speak, it’s the Lucy holding a football of car companies.

If you knew his history at Oregon, why not include it in the story to offer background on his potential as well as any history of conflict? Because setting fire to a median isn’t Oregon backstory.


Oh my gosh! This is just, JUST as rare as my excellent condition Number 38 Isotope Man versus the Red Iguana! EVERYONE knows how expensive and collectible that comic is! This TOYOTA is just as rare and thus priceless, well up until $16,995, that is.

Best College Editorial since the 2008 Cal Berkeley torch song to Che Guevara.

I give him points for correctly not blurring the license plate, but eminently forgettable. If you bought it, I’d assume you just smoked too much pot this morning, not crack.

Best Dos Equis commercial yet.

In no way,shape, or form does this shark look like it’s falling from the sky as if it were swooped up in a tornado, carried many miles into landfall and then be dropped onto C level celebrities. Nope, not one bit. Good job Topcar/DMC.

When I can run it on my own shit, because as a Tesla owner it doesn’t stink.

Which is more unlikely, someone tweeting only one 2016 World Series tweet that is uncannily accurate?


They’ll come up with the funny one hopefully.


Like any good tool, I gas it up everyday and twice on Saturdays. But I only fill up the blinker fluid yearly — almost never use it so why bother.

I am the best tool for my car.

Pffft!  Get back to me when they have a compartment for my top hat.