
No! Esta Perro Demon!

Pero, tiene colmillos como este!

nope, just using my very rusty spanish combined with the legend of the chubacabra/chupacabra. pero gracias.

Mi Dios! Este es la chubacabra! Vamos Amigo, Vamos a mi garaje. NP.

Lowering a 111 (when new) hp car, is like Uncle Jed putting roman columns in front of his double-wide — looks cool but why?

Even Comrade Putin would say NP on this one.

To Gareth and Donna Gridley: you were the laughing stock in the area for daily promoting your TDI long before September 2015.

Selling stolen goods is always safer if you’re fencing inside.

There’s a place called Kum and Go and it’s not on RedTube or YouPorn?

This is the Gob Bluth of parade day convertibles.

How do you have a curly head?

I wish the echo chamber of gawker.com never set foot in deadspin. I’d rather have Craggs back at deadspin, at least he was interesting.  

I believe you’ve accidentally gotten on to a Deadspin site; Yahoo! commentary is on yahoo.com

For the early 90's college age crowd: if there was ever a better visual representation of that beautiful girl from Kappa Alpha Theta who was all alone at the Fraternity dance because rumors she had VD (no doubt spread by that bitch, the red 318i convertible), I don’t know what it would be (other than the actual

Some folks are snobs when it comes to badging, others can’t stand when a proper car is dumbed down to two pedal variety. But I was all in until I realized the windshield wipers go in the other direction — I can’t hide might right to left bias.

Kind sir, could you point me in the right direction for a NP vehicle purely based on its parts?

And it was the 162nd time they played the “Right” way.

Not to quibble, but beyond being incredibly stupid looking and photoshopped, EV nerds would like MB to know the symbols are reversed

graverobber: will you be driving a NPOCP there and if so,which one?

I know when I absolutely, positively, have to get a BentleyAzure S Mulliner with a C-pillar the size of most duffle bags, I always will choose Craigslist first.