
My husband was rage-texting me about something stupid last night and all I could think of was how nice it would be to be able to rage text back instead of my non-emotional, non-escalating “ok”.  I feel this article! 

Jay Z is correct. Having said that, MANY artists have never won album of the year and will also NEVER make the money Beyonce has made.

No better way to hydrate.

I’m glad people are staying well hydrated, but at what cost….

Don’t get one of the clear (colored) water bottles if you think you might end up with a Diet Coke situation. A gorgeous transparent blue one will look absolutely gross with Diet Coke in it, esp at the gym, and could potentially result in scornful looks. 

Walton. Walton Goggins.

Walter Goggins

Might be a good idea to assign Mr. Goggins his correct first name.

Just listen to Amy Winehouse’s albums.  I honestly think that’s the only respectful way to celebrate her.


They’re buying them Prada, and they’re buying them gifts, and they’re going to these events and they’re meeting Kanye and, you know, all this big stuff,” she said of the Kardashians. “I can’t give them that. I don’t have that. I don’t have access to that. I don’t have the money to do that

I wonder how much that very much authentic punk rock jacket with the huge Dead Kennedys patch cost. Definitely the type of person Jello Biafra would want making up his fanbase.

Since returning you guys are very low on content. It’s 1PM EST. Shouldn’t you have more than one recap article by now?

OK these are good. Let’s try it...

  • Aaron Rodgers’ gets experimental treatment for his Achilles and it goes horribly wrong.

Exactly! Nothing to see here, anymore.

No mention of 2017's “Hot Summer Nights”?

01. oh honey no

That pic of them together is awesomely cute. It gave me a good vibe (and lawd knows I need me some good vibes, people!)

Posting photos with the president while chilling in the White House is the ultimate flex. For all we know Mimi might be happy to be rid of a 7 year relationship with a man who didn’t seem to have a life of his own, but leave it to Jezebel to portray her as some lonely single woman who must somehow get through the