
I still love the taste of hose water...

I refuse to click on the slideshow but love your list. Are any of these Bones and All? That movie has really stuck with me. Mark Rylance’s hair (whole performance) in that movie deserves its own post. Also need to see whatever movie is daddy’s little bitch 


Very very very very very very happy to see where this goes.  Welcome back everyone xoxoo

This happened in an episode of Sex and the City, I think it was Miranda, right? She met a guy who was way too good-looking and everywhere they went all the other women were staring at him, looking at her, wondering what he was doing with her. She couldn’t handle the stress! I think it was the detective she met after Ca

If you have no chemistry with the lead, why stick around? I get it if you’re a 20 yr old, there for a fun vacation, to increase your followers, and hopefully end up on Bachelor in Paradise. But if you’re in your 60s or 70s and they’re making you sleep on bunk beds??! Hell no! Go home and see your new grandbaby!

I watched his season of Project Runway back in the day and I don’t remember him being cast as the villain, just a really talented designer who might have come off as arrogant, but he did seem to be leagues above the other competitors from his season. I love Project Runway now—it seemed like it would have been hard to

Idiocracy *clap clap clap*

On another site I read other commenters saying they heard Karl and Frank saying “The Little Princes,” meaning Kendall and Roman I guess. I thought the CC said “Little Princess” and I wondered about the line as well but took it to mean they were objecting to the crossout of Kendall’s name since it might mean that Shiv

Except for Bret Michaels—he actually seemed sympathetic, sensitive, and sensible on the show I applaud you for quoting.

the first post-birth shit is one of the most harrowing moments in a young mother’s life

There’s nothing wrong with Sinéad’s version.

This season might be admirable for the way Zach squashes drama, but he SUCKS. He has been more boring than applesauce and then I learned all I needed to know when he geeked the fuck out over Kat being as beautiful as a model. Dude. You could maybe think those thoughts, but jesus christ don’t say them to camera. Just

If she had, maybe he wouldn’t have eliminated her...

Anyone remember how there used to be a regular feature on here about butt-ugly shoes and would you wear them or not?  I forget what it was called but it was awesome and I KNOW they covered this style and everyone was like HELL NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.  I agree.

It’s like in Truth or Dare when Madonna says Sean Penn was the love of her life.

Al turned into Goofy last season when he ate the Space Cake in Amsterdam...

I appreciate the deep dive on Olivia Wilde’s Instagram to find the SPECIAL DRESSING but the cutesy Ranch joke doesn’t cut it. We all need to know what is in the real dressing. Please Lord, deliver this to us and we will be forever grateful.

So he’s the Rinna

I’d love to see some sort of comparison, like, what is a sext that doesn’t sound like it was written by a 17-yr old who hasn’t fucked? Isn’t there something about the form that reduces the author to that level?