I am thankful for the civilized conversation about this awful topic, and to get to see the way you and Alienne interacted. Raising a glass to you both xo
I am thankful for the civilized conversation about this awful topic, and to get to see the way you and Alienne interacted. Raising a glass to you both xo
My biggest fear as the mother of a girl is that she gets raped. There is no rest.
Ugh I want that ring.
I think it’s possible. I’m sure that will be her defense. They certainly seemed to lead different lives.
Great advice.
Great advice!
Great advice. I’m not the OP but I appreciate it.
Holy shit that cake looks incredible.
So sorry, as I wrote to the original post-er, my best friend went through something that sounds similar to what you are dealing with, and wound up better up without the motherfucker in her life. I’m a single mom myself. It has worked out for me and I hope it can for you too. I don’t know if you are going to try to…
Single mom here—going it alone is awesome! Be a control freak! Do it all yourself :)))
Ugh, sorry for you, that is not comfortable. I tried Lexapro over the summer during my worst anxiety, just 10MG but it didn’t have that side effect for me, in fact it made me feel sluggish. I stopped taking it because I felt numb below the waist. I think I was able to get through because there was so much uncertainty…
I would kill for an 8 ball right now, Santa’s workshop needs a BOOSTER this year ;)
Oh well then I guess she won’t mind giving back her TOTALLY UNDESERVED OSCAR THAT HARVEY FUCKING WEINSTEIN GOT FOR HER
I’ll see your thigh and raise you a: what the f is going on with the body language?! She’s all, ok if you must, place your hand here...I’ll just...cover it with my hands so you don’t go any higher...ugh SO AWKWARD. She looks TENSE.
Well all that sounds perfectly doable. So it’s not like there was a previous history of him saying he wasn’t going to commit or something? I think it’s fair to pursue this. As far as the phone sex goes, if that seems too...I don’t know...icky...why not start with sexting? The only rule there is, don’t ever take a…
am I hung up on Berlin because I’ve not met anyone else, or have I not met anyone else because I’m hopelessly hung up on Berlin
Lol totally
a salad with all the goat cheese picked off