Ma Vaffanculo is very sorry for the comment about Flakka

That comment stopped me in my tracks! For starters, there were riots over nylon stockings. Rationing was very real. Everyone in the country pitched in on the war efforts, from the men who went to fight to the women who joined factory workforces to keep this country running. Americans were very aware of the sacrifices

Samantha Bee 2020!

Hi — my house survived the night!

I know a couple in their 30s, both freelancers with two kids. In other words: They need affordable insurance. Yet, as hardcore Bernie supporters, they were unyielding in their campaign against Clinton, and though we agree on many or most policies, I had to unfollow them on FB. Today I left a very careful and

Give me ‘til tomorrow though. I’m exhausted.

Locomotive Jones can derail over a steep fucking cliff.

I am so grateful for the dismiss button today. I wish I had that option in real life. Someone’s talking shit about women or minorities and you’re done? Dismiss. And then they simply disappear from your presence to be deposited somewhere you’re not.

I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. That loop has been playing in my head all day.

God, this “not perfect” crap everywhere is driving me crazy. Who in the history of this country has been perfect? There’s not perfect and there’s absolutely terrifying and I’m shocked that more people didn’t see the difference.

Why are you presuming that I didn’t vote in the midterms and that I don’t take voting seriously? I vote every single time. I read up on every issue. Also, I’m not “refusing” Trump. I am not refuting that he will be our president. I’m protesting that he does not represent any values that are familiar to me. And you

Good night! I can’t wait to sink into oblivion. Tomorrow I’ll get back to life but today was beyond awful.

“I sincerely hope he addresses your concerns” that you’d like to step into a time machine to the 1950s.

Oh my god, so many trolls. “If this were Obama, you’d be a racist, but because it’s a white guy it’s OK?” “How effective. You’re a hero.” People can’t wrap their minds around the fact that my sign is not literal. People can’t deal with a broad swath of our nation feeling grief and fear.

Yes. Apparently, I am a petulant child for putting up a sign in my window. I think it says a lot that this particular commenter always has to qualify her unpopular comments with, “I’m a Native American.”

I think I didn’t explain myself well further up, though I know you’re responding to the PlzPrettyPlz person. When I said Trump supporters might have similar signs and I’d probably mock them, what I meant was that I’d know their motivations for doing so would be way different than mine. They’d be calling her


I knew I’d get arguments like that commenter’s but I don’t care. It doesn’t help that this election was so damn dirty. It may be legal, but I definitely don’t think it was fair. It was a shitshow from every angle.

Did you study at Trump University? Enjoy your hero, you probably rich white prick.

Funny, I thought you Republicans hated education.

Well goodie for you. I feel a bit more worked up about a fascist in the White House. The letter writing and rep contacting can come later. The Trump backers would probably have signs like this, and I’d probably mock them, but at least I know my one-day window protest isn’t fueled by hate. Just despair.