Every. Single. Crossover. Not as good as a proper SUV for off-roading, with worse handling/acceleration/fuel economy/weight/comfort (higher=more nauseating body roll) than an equivalently spacious hatchback/wagon. A compromised class of vehicle that’s supposed to be good at everything but in reality sucks at everything…
Personally I like when Jez pretends they’re sick of things they continue to cover ad infinitum
Good. I was in Theta for a year and quit because fuck those ridiculous bitches.
The difference is that young kids will spit out a swallow of vodka pronto, but will chow down on a weed brownie.
I don’t understand this country. We swear up and down that we don’t tolerate bullies, liars, and thieves. Yet we want to make glorifying movies about Tonya Harding, Jordan Belfort, Henry Hill, and Anna Sorkin.
In a simple libation like a gin & tonic, the spirit should really shine. Too often, cloying, crappy tonic obscures…
Yes. I would speculate that, in their minds, working for the president makes them above being treated in this way, no matter how despicable or dishonest their actions are.
Someone—Bird founder Travis VanderZanden, formerly of Uber—decided it was a great idea to litter the streets of San…
Officer: “Do you know why I pulled you over?”
Hi Jezebel Readers,
My miata is loud, slow, and full of more rattles than a box of baby toys thrown in a nest of rattlesnakes.
Why, why, why do these guys go so rapidly to sexual interest with women they barely know? I don’t get it. What’s the logic in his brain that allows him to make that leap? What messages are we raising boys and young men with that they do this?
Or retail or the food industry? The OP is usually pretty smart but I think this article applies to only a very limited set of jobs.
Oh, I totally wish I could bring up certain dissatisfactions, but I’m all but certain that in doing so, I would be marked as a malcontent, prior organizational reputation notwithstanding. Within a couple of months a new person would (finally) be brought on “to help with the workload” in the department. Sure, we’ve…
Not that it will prevent him from trying fifty more times.
I do not understand anyone who thinks religion is a good idea, but especially women, and especially women in the more fundamentalist churches. Even if you believe in god(s), why stay in a group that thinks you’re somehow less than human *and* it’s your fault?
I would add that you should trust yourself, LW. This guy managed to gaslight you into second-guessing yourself. The attempt to neg you by telling you he didn’t enjoy the date, followed by pushing you to share your reasoning and defend yourself are classic manipulation tactics. He picked up on your self-consciousness…
No one owes you an explanation for why they don’t want to go out with you again, or why they don’t want you to come back to their place. Frankly, it wouldn’t even strike me as like an “oh this person is afraid” thing, but simply that some people have a more personal relationship with their space and don’t let just any…