He’s allowed social media in prison?
He’s allowed social media in prison?
Caveat emptor
They also support louis Farrkhan...
Whoops. Already done.
Now imagine all the non-rich athletes who have health problems that are screwed too and never were famous and never played football and will never have an article written about them.
LOL nice pope didn’t do shit
We (men, society etc) put crazy pressure on women :(
No doubt he has million dollar lawyers
I always take health advice from women with high school educations
Another myth: You must vote to convict if you think they broke the law. Jury Nullification is when a juror votes not guilt regardless of what the defendant did because they don’t believe the law should exist at all. e.g. if I was on a jury for someone for drug possession I would not vote to convict because I don’t…
Should could always take woody allen back
She is not a good actress and should stick to modelling.
Caveat emptor
Nobody is forcing her to work at a job she considers futile.
The best burn I ever heard was a student telling a guidance Councillors they don’t want to take life and job advice from someone who ended up as a guidance C...
So it’s cool to skip meetings and appointments, and teachers that are alcoholics should be swept under the rug?
100% of the cleaning in my household is done by men. Me and my roommate.
Parents send kids to horrible medieval catholic school, shocked when they do what they say they will. Religious indoctrination is child abuse.
I’m not fat, I’mlike a 33" waist