
2 things: 1 I’ve had many many free mini bottles of wine by just being super polite and super nice to the flight attendants, and also asking for it while they’re chillin in the back between service. They’ll usually just hand you one.

FYI for cookin I think any wine is good. I used a $4 bottle for Beef Bourguinion and it was DELICIOUS.

Kanye West loves this guy’

It’s not pretentiousness. Once you’ve had good beers, Miller and Bud don’t cut it. They taste bad after they start to warm up. 

This is a stupid, inflexible way to live, and a 90 minute showers are bad for your skin and the environment. There’s no way he spends an hour in the cryo.

What sharp dressers

Bodack Yellow is awful. 

Do one on women selfies with pouty face

How about clothing that fits?

That’s a great story

Attorney General Ken Paxton is a bad person. I hope his friends and family agree with me. 

Women are not safe anywhere. F ballet and gymnastics.

I can honestly say I don’t give a shit

Republicans would really have rathered Rosa Parks give up her seat

The world doesn’t really need more people, having children is inherently selfish, so I see zero issues.

He’s bounced around a lot never finding a niche

For years I wanted some clam chowder in a bread bow. Then I moved to SF and learned that restaurants that serve chowder in bowls make bad chowder and you end up with way too much bread. It’s a gimmick. 

In Miami the cuban food is great but the BBQ I’ve had in Houston, Austin and other places has been incredibly bland at Airports.

I don’t think sleeping in your car is camping